Magnetic resonance (MR) with PET
During MR imaging, each proton in the subject positioned within a magnetic field is excited by a radio frequency pulse, while this energy is lost the tissue produces a nuclear magnetic resonance signal (NMR) which can be detected. Gradient coils around the subject make it possible to modulate the main magnetic field and therefore to make the NMR signal encode positional information thus providing the precondition for 3D volume generation.

Combining anatomical imaging CT or MR imaging with PET. CT has the advantage in being a faster method compared to MR. While MR is preferred over CT in cases where increased soft tissue contrast is important. The different properties of MR imaging provide numerous options to emphasize the different characteristics of the tissue in our interest. At KERIC we also have the possibility to us a 9.4T MR in combinations with PET or CT for more advanced multimodality projects.
MR does not use the higher energy parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (gamma-rays, X-rays, etc.), but applies non-ionizing low energy radio waves coupled with a magnetic field to create images of the subject. In CT, the required radiation dose for good image quality can be significant, thus MR can have an advantage over CT due to decreased radiation load.