BFC - Flow Cytometry Analysis

Flow Cytometry Analysis involves using a flow cytometer to interrogate cells stained with fluorescent markers and classifying them into groups. Cells pass through the instrument once and go straight to a waste container. There is no cell recovery.

At BFC, the access to our analyzers can be done either as assisted analysis or as a self-user:

Workflow analysis for different kinds of users/clients (assisted or self-user analysis).
Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Core Facility, workflow analysis. Photo: BFC

Assisted analysis

Staff members of the facility could acquire samples for non-trained users or for users requiring it.

Please, refer to iLab and create a Work Request under the Request Services tab.

Once accepted, our staff will book a timeslot in the instrument´s calendar at your convenience.

Self-user analysis

If your project requires the recurrent usage of the analyzers, a training session can be requested. For analysis instruments a driver’s license can be obtained either by:

  • Demonstrating previous experience on a particular instrument  
  • By getting trained in the facility

Request training

In order to request a training for our analyzers: 

  1. Create a Work request on iLab (Request Services > Introduction and training request: Analyzers).
  2. The training consists of a hands-on session (approx. 1h), where one of our members will train you our SOPs for using the instrument. In case of being your first time in our facility, this training will include a General introduction to the BFC. 
  3. After the training session, 0-3 assisted analysis must be completed, depending on the user´s experience.
  4. Once the training session and assisted analysis are completed, you are qualified as a self-user.
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