Pamela Mazzocato

Pamela Mazzocato

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Telephone: +46852483696
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 MMC Health Systems Leadership, Management and Safety, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • PhD in Medical Management, I co-lead with Prof. Henna Hasson the Medical
    Management Centre.
    In my research I focus on how to design clinical processes and organizational
    structures that meet the needs of patients and healthcare professionals. My
    expertise lies in the analysis of complex interventions rooted in operations
    management theory and the ability to isolate and display key components using
    a mixed methods approach and the use of statistical process control charts.
    the best contribution associated with a doctoral thesis related to health
    management with the paper “Complexity complicates lean: Lessons from
    seven parallel emergency care services in the same hospital-wide lean
    program” (Forthcoming in Journal of Health Organization and Management).
    * Complexity complicates lean: Lessons from seven emergency services”
    published in Journal of Health Organization and Management was selected by
    the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended paper in the 2015
    Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.
    2012 Ph.D. in Medical science. Karolinska Institutet.
    2007 Master of Science in Accounting, Administration, and Control,
    Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
    2004 MBc, Economics and Management, University Ca’ Foscari of
    Venice, Italy


  • I am involved in several research projects with the overall aim to increase
    our understanding on how the design and management of clinical processes and
    organizations generate value for staff and patients. Currently I work on
    several research projects on innovative management practices such as lean and
    value-based healthcare.
    The lean projects I am currently involve in are:
    * Simulation and implementation of a lean-inspired hip-fracture care
    process”, together with Helena Hvitfeldt Forsberg at AIM/MMC, Maria
    Unbeck, André Stark and Olof Sköldenberg at the Orthopedic Department at
    the Danderyd Hospital, and Marie Persson at Blekinge Technical University.
    * LeanHealth project, a project where we help Enköping hospital integrate
    health promotion and worker protection with their quality improvement
    system. Together with Terese Stenfors-Hayes at the Evaluation Unit, Henna
    Hasson and Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz in the PROCOME research group, Helena
    Hvitfeldt Forsberg at AIM/MMC, and Monica Nyström in the SOLIID research
    The value-based healthcare projects are:
    * Innovation-driven reimbursement models in primary care. This project is
    run in collaboration with the Stockholm County Council and IVBAR.
    * Outcomes and costs of a person-centered integrated practice unit for
    patients with cardiovascular disease, renal dysfunction and diabetes,
    KID-funding from the Board of Doctoral Education at Karolinska Institutet.
    Together with Carl Savage and Jonas Spaak at the Danderyd Hospital.
    I am also co-supervisor for five PhD projects:
    * Jens Jacob Fredriksson: Disrupting Hospitals: Business Model
    Transformation within Academic Medicine
    * Marie Höjriis Storkholm: Innovating inside the box: How contextual
    constraints can contribute to the innovation of health care processes
    * Mairi Jüriska: From burnout to engagement: building young physicians’
    leadership capacity
    * George Keel: Outcomes and costs of a person-centered integrated practice
    unit for patients with cardiovascular disease, renal dysfunction and
    * Muhammad Rafiq: Eliminating guesswork: An exploration of the role of
    predictive modelling in care management for patients with multimorbidities


  • Since 2012, I am co-directing and running courses in Healthcare Management
    for master students in Health Economics, Policy and Management at KI.
    Between 2013 and 2015 I was a visiting lecturer in the course Quality and
    Operations Management for the International Master of Healthcare Management,
    Economics and Policy (MIHMEP), and course director for the course Operations
    Management in Healthcare for the Master in Healthcare Management (MIMS),
    Bocconi University, Italy.
    Between 2011-12, I was lecturer and course director for the course
    Organization, Learning and Leadership for nursing students, Karolinska


All other publications


  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2020
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Learning, informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2012


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