Monica Nyström

Monica Nyström

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 MMC Nyström, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • * Associate professor in Medical Management Karolinska Institutet, Senior
    lecturer in Psychology, Umeå university [1].
    * Research group leader SOLIID [2] (Sustainable Organizational Learning,
    Innovation, Improvement and Development in Health and Social services).


  • Organizational behavior and management in health service organizations, with a special interest in leadership, organizational development, quality improvement and organizational learning and innovation.

    The field of work and organizational psychology embraces three analytical levels: individual (e.g. cognition, stress, motivation, decision making), group (e.g. communication, leadership, team development) and organization (e.g. strategy, structure, culture, power, politics and development processes). My research aspires to involve a multilevel system view when investigating complex organizational phenomena.
    Since 2006 I have been the leader of 21 research projects (VINNVÅRD, VINNOVA, SFO-V) focusing on organizational structures and processes that enhances sustainable learning, innovation, development and improvement in complex organizational systems. They involve both health and social services and most of them are based on an action oriented and a mixed methods approach. Collaborators involved are e.g., Region Norrbotten, Swedish Association for Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), Region Västerbotten, Sörmland region, the National Board of Health and Welfare, several municipalities, and Umeå university, Luleå Technical University and Gothenburg university.
    I have participated as a researcher in the “Managing innovations” project (Vinnova) and in two FORTE-programs: Co-Care and Value & Choice. I have as a researcher followed four national large scale intervention programs (LSTs) investigating national and regional support and implementation strategies, i.e., Safe delivery, Better Life for the ill older people, Enhancing the use of National Quality Registries for improvement, research and interaction with patients and citizens, and the ongoing program for improving maternity care and women’s health.
    I have been involved in CHEPSAA, an EU-funded project on how to strengthen capacity for health policy analysis in five African countries and an AFA-funded project on how to combine Lean and health promoting activities in a hospital. During 2010-2012 I coordinated an international research network: ”Organizational Culture and Quality Improvement research”. 2020-2022 I was responsible for developing and testing a learning arena for developers in health and social care with the purpose if spreading a more holistic view on development based on multiple perspectives and several overlapping research areas. The pilot test of the arena "Develop the future developers" was financed by Vinnova.
    Besides scientific articles the research projects have resulted in a number of Swedish reports, books and book chapters. My thesis concerned the
    experienced managerial role during periods of organizational change, testing a social constructivist and a rational/cognitive approach while addressing their weaknesses and strength.
    Since 1993 I have been engaged in university courses in work and organizational psychology, leadership and organizational development - for
    managers in general and in health and social care particularly, some on international basis. 2017-2019 I was responsible for the course "Leading research projects" aimed for junior or new researchers at Karolinska Institutet. This course has also been offered to other universities and research organisations.

    *Doctoral dissertation*
    Nyström, M. E. Contrasting perspectives on the subjective managerial role.
    [1] Doctoral dissertation from the Department of Psychology, Umeå
    University, SE-90187, Umeå, Sweden, 2005: ISBN 91-7305-881-5.

    *Financing (external funders)*
    Forte; Vinnova; Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR);
    VINNVÅRD (Consortium: Vinnova, Vårdalsstiftelsen, SKL, Ministry of Health
    and Social Affairs); Patient Insurance LÖF; EU- Fp7- Call for Africa; AFA
    Insurance; Strategic Research Programme in Care Sciences; The Swedish
    Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education


All other publications



  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2006-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2020

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