Magnus Helgesson

Magnus Helgesson

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Avd försäkringsmedicin, Karolinska Institutet, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Fm Mittendorfer-Rutz, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have a PhD in medical science and a bachelor's degree in economics.
    Currently I am as a post-doctoral research fellow working in a
    multidisciplinary research groups called Mente, headed by Ellenor
    Mittendorfer-Rutz, at the division of insurance medicine. I defended my
    thesis entitled “Unemployment and sick leave at a young age and
    associations with future health and work” in March 2015. The thesis dealt
    with the relationship between periods of long-term unemployment and long-term
    sickness and subsequent labour market marginalisation and mortality.


  • From February 1, 2019, I am the principal investigater for a four-year
    AFA-funded project, "Hyperactivity disorders among young adults in the
    private sector - how does diagnosis and medication affect later employment
    and sickness absence?" Hyperactivity disorders such as ADHD have increased
    sharply among young adults and the overall aim of the project is to
    investigate how work engagement and sick leave have changed over time among
    young adults (19-29 years) diagnosed with ADHD. An important sub study will
    investigate whether work engagement is affected by ADHD medication?
    Since July 1, 2020, I am the project manager for a project funded by AFA that
    investigates work attachment among people with depression, anxiety and
    stress-related illnesses and the role psychological treatment and drug
    treatment play in the possibility of being able to work.
    In addition, I am involved in several projects that are related to labour
    market marginalisation, i.e. difficulties in getting and keeping a job, both
    among immigrants and people with mental illness. Depression, anxiety and
    stress disorders are common among immigrants and can create a vulnerable
    situation on the labor market that can lead to periods of sick leave and
    often sickness benefits (early retirement). I am part of REMAIN, which is a
    collaboration between researchers in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and
    Austria and which investigates young immigrants. I am also involved in a
    Forte-funded program at Uppsala University with Magnus Svartengren as
    principal investigator, which investigates work attachment and health among
    immigrants of working age.
    In addition to this, I have several projects at the Department of Public
    Health and Health Sciences at Uppsala University, including a project where
    we examine work attachment among young people diagnosed with
    obsessive-compulsive disorder and one that is a ten-year follow-up of an
    intervention for long-term sick leave (Vitalis).


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