Lotta Nybergh

Lotta Nybergh

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: ,
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 IIR Kwak, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a postdoctoral researcher and project leader in a study on return to
    work among employees on sick leave for mental ill-health [1]. The aim of this
    study is to evaluate an intervention that addresses both individual and
    workplace related aspects among employees with work-related mental
    ill-health. In particular, the intervention’s cost-effectiveness and impact
    on sick leave and health will be studied. A second aim is to assess the
    concerned occupational health services staff’s adherence to the intended
    In addition, we are conducting a gender-sensitive evaluation [2] of the
    intervention. The following aims are studied: 1) to analyze the impact of
    combining home- and workrelated requirements, and to assess its predictive
    value on sickness absence; 2) to explore what "double burden" of home- and
    workrelated requirements entails for the employees and how it affects a
    successful return-to-work; 3) analyze whether the rehabilitation measures
    offered to women and men differ. An overarching aim is to identify possible
    gender-based needs for interventions that aim to facilitate return-to-work
    among employees with common mental health disorders.
    The projects will be completed during 2019.
    I have a BA in philosophy and an MA in gender studies from Åbo Akademi
    University, Finland. I obtained my PhD degree in public health from the
    Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University in 2014. The thesis is entitled
    “Exploring intimate partner violence among women and men in Sweden”. You
    can find the thesis here [3].
    [1] https://ki.se/imm/projekt-arbetsatergangforbattrad-arbetsformaga-bland-anstallda-med-stress-eller-lattare-psykisk
    [2] https://ki.se/imm/problemlosning-vid-psykisk-ohalsa-i-arbetslivet-pia-studien-genusmedveten-utvardering-av-en
    [3] https://gupea.ub.gu.se/handle/2077/35956


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