Elodie Eiffener
Postdoctoral Researcher
E-mail: elodie.eiffener@ki.se
Telephone: +46852487595
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Miljömedicinsk epidemiologi Ljungman, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
BSc European Public Health (Maastricht University, NL)
MSc Health Education and Promotion (Maastricht University, NL)
Doctoral Degree in Human Biology - Dr. rer. biol. hum. (LMU Munich, GER)Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Epidemiology at IMM (KI).
Environmental Epidemiology, Urban Planning, Public Health, Sustainability, GIS
Main project: Stockholms Miljöhälsoprogramm
- Journal article: ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY. 2023;93(3):479-488
- Journal article: NATURE MEDICINE. 2022;28(9):1823-1830
- Journal article: THE LANCET: DIGITAL HEALTH. 2022;4(2):e105-e116
- Journal article: AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL. 2021;241:26-34
- Journal article: THE LANCET RESPIRATORY MEDICINE. 2021;9(8):863-872
- Article: PEDIATRIC OBESITY. 2019;14(11):e12556