Cilla Söderhäll

Cilla Söderhäll

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Telephone: +46852482506
Mobile phone: +46702281492
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Klinisk pediatrik Söderhäll, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Our main aim is to develop molecular diagnostic and prognostic tools for
    clinical use, that could discriminate between preschool wheezers that will
    develop chronic asthma and those that will grow out
    MSc molecular biology, Stockholm University 1996
    PhD in medical genetics, Karolinska Institutet 2001
    Post doc at Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and Charité Campus
    Virchow Clinic, Berlin, Germany, 2002-2005
    Associate professor of medical genetics, Karolinska Institutet 2011

    Senior lecturer 2023


  • Recurrent episodes of wheeze in infants are troublesome for those affected,
    and a common cause of visits to the emergency room and hospitalization in
    this age-group. Some of these children (about 30%) will develop asthma, while
    many will be symptom-free before starting school. Wheeze in young children
    can vary considerably in terms of severity, duration, risk of relapse,
    contributing causes, treatability and risk for future chronic asthma.
    Symptoms may be caused by viral infections, allergen exposure or airway
    irritants. We aim to develop molecular tools that can be used for both
    diagnosis and prognosis for this group of children. With specific biomarker
    profiles, we hope to be able to predict which of these children that will
    develop chronic asthma, and who will grow out of their symtoms. The analyzes
    are performed on a global level, as well as through targeted analayses of
    candidate genes and molecular networks. In addition, our research contributes
    to increased understanding of the molecular contribution to asthma, and the
    identification of various risk factors, eg genetic factors, infections and
    allergy development.


    The *GEWAC study* (Gene Expression in Wheezing and Asthmatic Children) is a 
    prospective cohort study where 156 children (6 months – 3 y) with acute
    wheeze were included during an emergency visit due to ongoing wheeze. The
    children were recruited during 2008-2012, at Astrid Lindgren's children's
    hospital in Stockholm, Sweden. The cohort was followed with annual visits
    until the age of 7. A follow-up visit at the age of 10-13 years is now
    ongoing. The children in the GEWAC study are well characterized by clinical
    examination, questionnaires and biological sampling. In this longitudinal
    cohort, we follow both the clinical course and the presence of viruses and
    bacteria, allergy development, such as genetic (including gene expression)
    and epigenetic components over time.


    In addition, we try to understand what impact genetic factors have on the 
    development of eczema and food allergy, in a large Nordic intervention study
    called *PreventADALL* (Preventing Atopic Dermatitis and Allergy in Children).
    We believe that different genetic conditions affect the function of the
    barrier in the skin and airways. A more permeable barrier gives an increased
    risk for both eczema and food allergy, and therefore, the presence of certain
    genetic variants or mutations could indicate a group where prevention are of
    extraordinary importance.


  • PhD students and post docs
    * /Angela Hoyer, / MSc, reg 2020, main supervisor, /” Genetic and
    epigenetic risk factors for preschool wheeze to develop to asthma,
    /Karolinska Institutet, PhD 2024
    * /Anastasia Filiou, /pediatrician, reg 2018, / /main supervisor, / “From
    preschool wheeze to childhood asthma; the role of genetics and
    environmental factors“, /Karolinska Institutet, PhD 2024

    /Sandip Chakraborty/, PhD, post doc, 2021- /biomarkers and asthma prediction/


    Previous PhD students and post docs
    * /Katarina Stenberg Hammar/, pediatrician, PhD 2016, main supervisor,
    /”Viral wheeze and risk factors for childhood asthma- an evaluation of
    clinical, immunological and genetic factors”, / Karolinska Institutet,
    * /Christina Orsmark Pietras/, PhD 2011, co-supervisor, /”Interaction and
    regulation of asthma susceptibility genes”, /Karolinska Institutet,
    * /Nathalie Acevedo, / PhD 2015, co-supervisor, /”//Epigenetic Mechanisms
    of Asthma and Allergy//”, /Karolinska Institutet,
    * /Sandra Ganrud Tedner/, pediatrician, PhD 2022, co-supervisor, /
    “Specific IgE-profiles and allergy prediction”, /Karolinska Institutet

    /Caroline-Aleksi Olsson Mägi, /pediatric nurse, / /
    co-supervisor, /”Maternal stress and allergic disease in her
    offspring”, /Karolinska Institutet/ /PhD 2023
    * /Idun Holmdahl/, MD, reg 2018, co-supervisor, “/Långtidsuppföljning av
    småbarn som behövt akut sjukvård för luftvägsobstruktivitet: Vilka
    kommer få astma i skolåldern?”, /Karolinska Institutet, PhD 2023
    * /Martin Färdig/, pediatric nurse, reg 2018, co-supervisor, “The risk of
    developing asthma in young children by factors related to pregnancy, birth
    and early lung function”, Karolinska Institutet, PhD 2023

    /Lovisa E Reinius/, PhD, post doc, 2009-2013; co-supervisor, Karolinska
    Institutet, /Genetics and epigenetics in asthma/


All other publications


  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2011
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2001


  • Angela Hoyer, Genetic and epigenetic risk factors for preschool wheeze to develop to asthma, 2020
  • Anastasia Filiou, From preschool wheeze to childhood asthma
  • the role of genetics and environmental factors, 2018

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