Carin Håkansta

Carin Håkansta

Research Specialist
Telephone: +46852487584
Visiting address: Nobels väg 13, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: C6 Institutet för miljömedicin, C6 Arbetsmedicin Bodin, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Research Specialist
    2014 PhD in Human Work Science (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden).
    2022 Associate Professor in Work Science (Karlstad University, Sweden)
    Current research: effects of non-standard employment and digitalisation on work, health and the work environment.


  • I am interested in how changes in society and work affect work, occupational safety and health, as well as initiatives to reduce associated health risks.

    I am the PI of two on-going projects:
    1. ALGOSH: Algorithmic management at work - challenges, opportunities, and strategies for occupational safety and health and wellbeing (Forte 2023 - 2029)
    2. AMOSH: Effects of algorithmic management on work environment and health among warehouse hands and transport workers (AFA 2022 - 2024) 

    I participate in five on-going projects:
    1. Robot as colleague – help or yippee? (AFA 2023 - 2026).
    2. Help or yippee - robot colleagues in the private sector (AFA 2023 - 2026)

    3. PWR Effects of non-standard work arrangements on health, work and families - solutions for the future of Sweden (Forte 2019 - 2025) [1].
    4. GIG Health. Digital labour platforms and its effects on health and well-being: a mixed-method project of gig workers in Sweden (Forte 2022-2025)
    5. GIG OSH. New challenges for occupational safety and health in times of the digital transformation in Europe: the role of digital labour platforms (Forte 2022 - 2026)


    Closed projects:
    The meaning of digitalisation for interpersonal relations and organisational contexts (AFA 2020 - 2023).


  • I have supervised students at undergraduate and graduate level at Karlstad University and Karolinska Institutet and am currently supervising three PhD students. 
    My current teaching includes the organisation of a thesis course in the Magisterprogramme Arbets och Hälsa at Karolinska Institutet.



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