Björn af Ugglas

Björn af Ugglas

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 MMC Health Systems Leadership, Management and Safety, 171 77 Stockholm


  • My research is focused on demand and capacity imbalances in emergency care
    and how this impacts patient outcomes. We recently published a study on how
    hospital bed occupancy impacts patients and the emergency departments:
    Association Between Hospital Bed Occupancy and Outcomes in Emergency Care: A
    Cohort Study in Stockholm Region, Sweden, 2012 to 2016. [1]
    Af Ugglas B, Djärv T, Ljungman PLS, Holzmann MJ
    /Ann Emerg Med 2020 Jan;():/
    We did not find a significant association between higher bed occupancy and
    increased 30-day mortality, but clear evidence that a higher bed occupancy
    has a negative impact on the workload in the emergency department. As a next
    step we are investigating if demand capacity imbalances (crowding) in the
    emergency departments are associated with increased 30-day mortality,
    increased revisits for discharged patients and increased hospital length of
    stay for admitted patients.


All other publications


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet, 2021

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