About the school

The school is funded by the Swedish Research Council as a strategic governmental investment in research schools for teachers in healthcare education.

The research schools shall strengthen the connection between research and education and thereby higher quality in healthcare education will be reached as well as contribute to the competence supply of researchers at the universities.

The Mälardalen area research school in healthcare science announces funding for partial financing of 11 doctoral students. The four collaborating universities split the doctoral positions, whereas Karolinska Institutet is assigned four, Uppsala University three, Mälardalen University and Sophiahemmet University College two positions each. The grant shall be used for the student´s salary and corresponds to about 60% of 4 years of full-time studies. To stimulate teacher recruitment within the various health professional programs, the universities are requested to offer the students teaching up to 20% within their positions which extends the doctoral education to five years. The school has a cohesive structure and targeted activities throughout the education. Good opportunities are provided to build national and international networks.

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