Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
NVS’s vision is to significantly improve human health through excellent research and education within the department´s profile areas. NVS is one of the largest departments within Karolinska Institutet with more than 500 employees, several hundred affiliated researchers and 1 600 full-year students.
Menu for this area
Currently at the department
Photo: Sören Andersson
New thesis on how living conditions in Sweden may shape the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees
Photo: Liza Simonsson
The graduate: "A wonderful mix of confusion and eye openers"
Photo: Getty Images
Poor vascular health accelerates brain ageing
Photo: AI-genererad
New insights into Alzheimer's disease biomarkers
Photo: Privat
New thesis on brain heterogeneity within aging
Photo: Pixabay: Olya Adamovich
Three researchers at NVS share 4.65 million SEK from KI’s network grant
Photo: Creative Commons CC0
Forte awards 12.5 million to three NVS researchers
Photo: Janos Kovacs
Welcome to the 3rd Swedish Meeting for Alzheimer Research, April 10, 2025
Photo: Annika Clemes
Divisions and research groups
Publications at NVS
Photo: Pixabay
For NVS staff
Photo: public domain
Research from cell to society – the story behind the Department of NVS
Photo: Selma Wolofsky