Education at the Division of Physiotherapy

The Division of Physiotherapy offers courses at basic, advanced, and postgraduate levels within the main subject of physiotherapy, as well as courses with a wider perspective on health, physical activity, exercise, and prevention.

student helping patient
Physiotherapy student. Photo: Annika Falkuggla.

Several elective courses, some of them inter-professional, are offered in collaboration with other departments and divisions. Teaching is based on the strong tradition of research at the division, in addition to close collaboration with health care services.

The division is actively involved in internationalization efforts. A number of students and teachers annually participate in exchange programs with partnering universities abroad.

The Study Programme in Physiotherapy

The Division of Physiotherapy is responsible for approximately 70% of the courses within the program. The courses are in the main subject of physiotherapy, as well as in research methods. The programme is offered in Swedish only.

Complementary programme for physiotherapists with a degree from outside the EU/EES and Switzerland

Starting in 2018, the one-year Complementary programme for physiotherapists with a degree from outside the EU/EES and Switzerland (60 hp) is offered by the divison, with admission every spring semester. 

Courses at advanced level

Courses and degree projects to complete a master’s degree in physiotherapy, as well as a selection of freestanding courses at advanced level, are also given on a regular basis. Currently, courses at advanced level are only available in Swedish.

Doctoral education

The division is regularly involved in doctoral courses for PhD students.

Executive and professional education

Several professional courses are offered each semester, including a master’s programme in dementia care for physiotherapists in cooperation with Stiftelsen Silviahemmet (Silvia Physiotherapist).

Educational administration

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Ellinor Tenne

Freestanding courses, executive and professional education
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Helena Sandström

Study programme in Physiotherapy, Complementary education for physiotherapists with a degree from outside EU/EES and Switzerland (SKUFF)
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Johanna Törnqvist

Study programme in Physiotherapy
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Patrik Karlsson

Lecturer, coordinator international students
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