Lohkamp Group

Our research focuses on development of methods for (graphical) model building and map interpretation used in structural biology (Coot).


Our research focuses on the development of methods for (graphical) model building and map interpretation used in structural biology (Coot).

More information about WinCoot (incl. link) Furthermore, we study protein-protein complexes involved in nerve cell development, esp. the axon, as well as its implication in disease and nerve cell repair. Various complexes constituting a variety of proteins (e.g. enzymes, motor proteins) are investigated functionally and structurally.

More information about WinCoot

Visiting address

Teaching Unit
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Karolinska Institutet
Biomedicum, 9D, floor 9
Solnavägen 9
171 65 Solna


Content reviewer:
Sara Lidman