Using Computation and Systems Biology to Further the Understanding of Cancer

The StratCan Interactive Summer School in Cancer 2014 focuses on the topic of Using Computation and Systems Biology to Further the Understanding of Cancer. The summer school will be held from August 30 - September 1 in the Stockholm Archipelago.

We witness rapid data accumulation on cancer genomes, transcriptomes, and their relations with clinical phenotypes. Despite the growing understanding of cancer, the gap between data collection and knowledge mining keeps increasing. Attempts to integrate diverse data collections in a meaningful way fail too often. Experimental research groups that receive exponentially growing data amounts still possess limited capabilities of bioinformatics processing. There is also a communication gap between experimental and computational biologists. We urgently need to meet these challenges to implementing the concept of personalized cancer medicine.

StratCan Summer School 2014 poster (pdf)

Summer school themes

The summer School themes are:

  • Bioinformatics of Genomics and Epigenetics
  • Cancer Network Biology
  • Statistics of High-throughput data analysis
  • Data Integration
  • Gene Networks and Systems Biology
  • Online Resources and Off-line Tools.

Invited faculty

  • Peter Csermely (Semmelweis University, Budapest)
  • Vladimir Kuznetsov (A*Star, Singapore)
  • Jussi Taipale (Science For Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institute)
  • Rory Stark (Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute)
  • Carsten Daub (Science For Life Laboratory, Karolinska Institute)
  • Lukas Käll (Science For Life Laboratory, Stockholm University)
  • Leroy Hood (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, pending)
  • Sui Huang / Ilya Shmulevich (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, pending)


The Summer School 2014 is held at Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden in the Stockholm Archipelago, Sweden. There will be bus transportation arranged from Stockholm city to the venue and back. Also, please note that the Swedish Cancer Research meeting is held September 2-3 at Karolinska Institutet for those interested to attend both.


The Summer School is open to PhD-students and PostDocs. The participants (the number is limited to 30) will be expected to work on small projects during the course.

Accepted participants will be charged a registration fee of 90 Euros. The remaining costs for accommodation and participation will be free of charge (sponsored by StratCan).

Applications should be sent to by 15th of July, 2014 and include:

  • an abstract that presents the applicant’s research
  • a brief statement of motivation (max 1 A4 page in total)
  • a brief CV (including a contact address, email, and mobile number).


The 2014 StratCan interactive Summer School is organized by Andrey Alexeyenko and Ingemar Ernberg.


Andrey Alexeyenko

Ingemar Ernberg

Sandra Falck

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