Swedish cancer research – how do we become world leading?

The Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden) and the organizers of the 3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting, invite you to participate in a seminar on September 1, 2014 at 5.30 pm at KI, Aula Medica.

Tentative program

The seminar will provide inspiring outlooks and panel discussion on opportunities and challenges, strategies and visions for Sweden as a research nation. The outlooks will be given in English whereas the panel discussion is held is Swedish. More information about the program and participating panelists will be provided soon.

The invitation letter as pdf (in Swedish) is available here.


You are welcome to participate in the seminar followed by refreshments and mingle, on Monday September 1st at 5.30-8.30 pm. Please, register through this link.


For more information, please contact: Gazal Casselborg, gazal.casselborg@cancerfonden.se

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