Preliminary program for the Swedish Cancer Research Meeting 2014

September 2-3

September 2

08.00-10.00 Registration & coffee/ poster hanging for POSTER SESSION 1

08.30-09.30 Meet-the-professor session (for those pre-registered)
Jedd Wolchok, room: SciLifeLab "Air"
Zena Werb - cancelled
Manuel Valiente, room: 507 in Aula Medica
Johanna Joyce - cancelled

10.00-10.15 Welcome words by Arne Östman

KEYNOTE Chair: Rune Toftgård
10.15-10.45 Charles Sawyers
Overcoming Resistance to Targeted Therapy

PLENARY 1 Chairs: Thoas Fioretos & Bengt Glimelius
10.45-11.15 Jedd Wolchok
Immunologic Checkpoint Blockade: Understanding Mechanisms and Exploring Combinations
11.15-11.45 Sabine Tejpar
Molecular subgrouping of colorectal cancer and its applications
11.45-12.15 Timothy Chan
Cancer Genomics: Mechanistic and Therapeutic Insights
12.15-12.30 Lao Saal (Short talk, abstract 312, 847)
Serial monitoring of circulating tumor DNA in early stage breast cancer

12.30-13.30 Lunch/ poster hanging for POSTER SESSION 1

12.45-13.30 Meet-the-professor session (for those pre-registered)
Charles Sawyers, room: Ehrling Persson salen
Julian Downward - cancelled (pre-registered participants may instead choose the Charles Sawyers or Maria Blasco session)
David Kerr, room: CMB lecture room
Maria Blasco, room: SciLifeLab "Air&Fire"
Doug Winton, room: 507 in Aula Medica

13.45-15.15 Workshops 1-4

WS 1
Chair: Sabine Tejpar, Co-chair: Bengt Glimelius
Room: CMB lecture hallWS 2
Chair: Andreas Lundqvist, Co-chair: Rolf Kiessling
Room: Gardaulan, SmittskyddsintitutetWS 3
Chair: Timothy Chan, Co-chair: Åke Borg
Room: Ehrling Persson salen, Aula MedicaWS 4
Improving a fair cancer care by optimal use of clinical databases and registration in cancer research
Chair: Roger Henriksson
Room: SciLifeLab, Air&Fire

David Kerr

Biomarker driven colorectal cancer care13.45-14.15
Rolf Kiessling

Tumour-mediated immunosuppresion- stumbling blocks and stepping stones13.45-14.15
Lucy Yates

Intra-tumoral Heterogeneity of Breast Cancer13.45-14.05
Yvonne Wengström

The development of PROM (patient related outcome) and informed consent for participating in clinical studies.

Bengt Glimelius

The good, bad and ugly rectal cancers
Helena Ågerstam
(short talk, abstract 202)
Antibody-based immunotherapy targeting IL1RAP shows strong therapeutic in vivo effects in xenograft models of human chronic myeloid leukemia
Åke Borg

Towards clinical implementation of genomic biomarkers in breast cancer14.05-14.25
Sven Törnberg

Cancer screening – IT infrastructure improvements used for facilitating research

14.45-15.00 (short talk, abstract 101)
Teresa Frisan
Carcinogenic properties of the bacterial genotoxins

14.30-14.45 (short talk, abstract 204)
Nina Eissler
Immune suppression by myeloid-derived suppressor cells, MDSCs, in MYCN-driven neuroblastoma provides a potential target for cancer immunotherapy

14.45-15.00 (short talk, abstract 308)
Marta Persson
Clinical significance of MYB gene rearrangements and deletions of 1p and 6q in adenoid cystic carcinoma (308)

Björn Wettermark

Registries and record-linkage - opportunities for oncological research in Stockholm and Sweden15.00-15.15 (short talk, abstract 103)
Tatjana Djureinovic
Loss of PRDM2/RIZ1 contributes to colorectal tumorigenesis

14.45-15.00 (short talk, abstract 201)
Fredrik B. Thorén
Role of natural killer cell subsets and natural cytotoxicity receptors for the outcome of immunotherapy with histamine dihydrochloride and interleukin-2 in acute myeloid leukemia

15.00-15.15 (short talk, abstract 307)
Sven Nelander
Cancer Landscapes: a public portal for integrative network analysis of multiple human cancers

Lars Holmberg

Using clinical databases for research and quality assurance: a combined two-way approach to improve care

15.15-16.00 Coffee & POSTER SESSION 1

PLENARY 2 Chairs: Sonia Lain & Martin Bergö
16.00-16.30 Paul Pharoah
Genetic susceptibility to breast cancer: the story so far
16.30-17.00 Maria Blasco
Targetting telomeres in cancer
17.00-17.15 Malin Pedersen (short talk, abstract 321)
Ultraviolet radiation accelerates BRAF-driven melanomagenesis by targeting TP53
17.15-17.30 Alexander Pietras (short talk, abstract 620)
Stemness in the glioma perivascular niche – from microenvironment to novel intracellular signaling pathways

17.30-18.30 POSTER SESSION 1

18.30 Bus transport to the conference dinner

19.00 Conference dinner at restaurant Solliden, Skansen, Stockholm.

September 3

PLENARY 3 Chairs: Tobias Sjöblom & Andreas Lundqvist
08.45-09.00 Maria Kasper (short talk)
Tumor promoting micro-niches in healthy skin
09.00-09.15 Jingmei Li (short talk)
Inheritance of breast cancer prognosis
09.15-09.45 Feng Zhang
Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Editing

09.45-10.30 Coffee/ poster hanging for POSTER SESSION 2

10.30-12.00 Workshops 5-8

WS 5

Chair: Paul Pharoah, Co-chair: Mattias Johansson

Room: Nobel ForumWS 6

Chair: Charles Sawyers, Co-chair: Thomas Helleday

Room: Gardaulan, SmittskyddsintitutetWS 7

Chair: Leila Akkari, Co-chair: Kristian Pietras

Room: Ehrling Persson salen, Aula MedicaWS 8
Tissue banking and quality registries. Where do we stand today?

Chair: Per Ljungman

Room: SciLifeLab, Air&Fire

Anne Zeleniuch-Jacquotte

Molecular Epidemiology of Breast Cancer: New Directions
Oscar Fernandez Capetillo

Targeting oncogene-induced replicative stress in cancer10.30-11.00
Leila Akkari

Macrophages as therapeutic targets in malignant aliomas
Gunnar Juliusson

Experiences of using the Swedish acute leukemia registry for population based research.

Mattias Johansson

Biomarkers of cancer risk, early detection and prognosis; what study population to use
Thomas Helleday

Targeting DNA repair: from PARP to MTH1 inhibitors11.00-11.30
Kristian Pietras

Exploring novel targeting opportunities in the pro-angiogenic tumor stroma10.50-11.10
Eva Hellström-Lindberg

Biobanking of material from patients with MDS; bases for translational research.

11.30-11.45 (short talk, abstract 844)
Hildur Helgadottir
High risk of tobacco-related cancers in CDKN2A mutation-positive melanoma families

11.30-11.45 (short talk, abstract 503)
Jonas Nilsson
BET bromodomain inhibitors synergize with HDAC inhibitors to kill murine lymphoma cells but does not suppress MYC transcription

11.30-11.45 (short talk, abstract 604)
Eamon Hughes
Progranulin – a key mediator of Breast cancer stem cell propagation

Sonja Eaker

Biobanking and research in a national perspective. 11.45-12.00 (short talk, abstract 400)
Björn Gylling
Low Folate Levels are Associated with Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer in a Population with Low Folate Status

11.45-12.00 (short talk, abstract 600)
Jon Carthy
High-throughput imaging screen to identify novel inhibitors of epithelial-mesenchymal transition

11.45-12.00 (short talk, abstract 843)
Marco Gerling
Hedgehog signaling in murine colorectal cancer

Olof Östlund

The use of quality registers for prospective, randomized studies.

12.00-13.00 Lunch/ poster hanging for POSTER SESSION 2

PLENARY 2 Chairs: Sven Påhlman & Lena Claesson-Welsh
13.00-13.30 Julian Downward
Novel approaches to targeting RAS mutant cancers
13.30-14.00 Manuel Valiente
Deconstructing metastasis: insights into the biology of colonization
14.00-14.30 Doug Winton
Functional approaches to stem and cancer-stem cell renewal
14.30-14.45 Marianne Farnebo (short talk, abstract 303)
The scaffold protein WRAP53b orchestrates the ubiquitin response critical for DNA double-strand break repair
14.45-15.00 Chandrasekhar Kanduri (short talk, abstract 846)
Neuroblastoma transcriptome sequencing reveals a high-risk associated long noncoding RNA NBAT-1 that controls tumor progression via regulating cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation

15.00-16.30 POSTER SESSION 2 with coffee

PLENARY 5 Chair: Arne Östman
16.30-17.00 David Lane
Stapled peptides, a third class of medicine for the future
17.00-17.30 Poster Awards and concluding remarks

18.15 Speaker's dinner (faculty club Svarta Räfven, Aula Medica)

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