History and future goals Upper GI

Our research group Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery (UGIS) was previously entitled Unit of upper gastrointestinal research (UGIR) and prior to that the name was Esophageal and gastric research (ESOGAR). We have a strong link with upper gastrointestinal surgery, particularly cancer surgery.

Upper gastrointestinal surgery has set high goals for the future

  • To reduce the number of persons who get diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, particularly oesophageal cancer
  • To improve the prognosis among patients who get diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, particularly oesophageal cancer


To achieve our goals we are testing thoroughly formulated research hypotheses. Each new study is planned in detail before started. A specific study protocol is developed to a final version together with researchers and biostatisticians. Using modern epidemiological methods, we mainly conduct cohort studies, case-control studies, randomised clinical trials and observational clinical studies. We also carry out some genetic and molecular research.
