Education in laboratory animal science

Education in laboratory animal science is compulsory for those who work and conduct research with laboratory animals at Karolinska Institutet.

Mice at Comparative medicine, KI. Photo: KI.

Comparative Medicine offers courses in laboratory animal science to students, doctoral students, researchers, and animal technicians at Karolinska Institutet and from other scientific institutions.

Our vision is to provide the best possible training in laboratory animal science. We are continuously looking to develop our existing course portfolio in addition to creating new courses in the area of laboratory animal science.

Educational requirements

Everyone must be adequately educated, trained and competent before working with animals at Karolinska Institutet. The requisite competence must be obtained, maintained and demonstrated (upon request). Educational requirements for animal experimentation.

Education Comparative medicine. Photo: Illustration.

Calendar for Continuing professional development (CPD)

Continuous courses provided throughout the year - "Function A" and "Swedish law and ethics"

Function A

COURSE 3160: Function A - to carry out minor procedures on laboratory animals (3 cr.) 

This is a compulsory course in laboratory animal science for all persons who will work on animals in research. It covers EU modules 1-7 where Swedish law and ethics is included (web-based theory) as well as EU modules 3.2, 6.2 and 8 (practical skills for minor procedures) on rodents, rabbits, pigs/minipigs, non-human primates, aquatic amphibians and zebrafish. For a competence assessment of your current level of education and training contact

Register here (select your species in the application form)

Course fee

Free for doctoral students and postdocs registered at Karolinska Institutet. For the rest of KI participants is 5900 SEK (including INDI), and for externals is 9900 SEK (excluding VAT). Company employees please contact


Swedish law and ethics

COURSE 3237: Swedish law and ethics on the protection of laboratory animals (0.5 cr.)

This is a compulsory course for all persons who will work on animals in research or is active in any way in projects involving research animals. For a competence assessment of your current level of education and training contact

Course fee - Theory only

The course is free of charge for KI PhD-students and KI postdocs. Other KI participants pay a fee of 2000 SEK (including INDI). External participants pay a fee of 4000 SEK (excluding VAT). Company employees please contact

Register here

Course fee - Theory and assessment of practical skills

KI PhD-students and KI postdocs pay a fee of 2000 SEK (including INDI), and other KI participants pay a fee of 4000 SEK (including INDI). External participants pay a fee of 8000 SEK (excluding VAT). Company employees please contact

Register here


Refine your procedure skills

COURSE 5515/COURSE 5516: Refinement of minor procedures on mice/rats (0.5 cr.)

Register for your desired date and species at the course webpage.

This practical course is aimed at persons holding a Function A qualification who:

  • have had some previous training in carrying out minor procedures on mice, but need an update or an upgrade in their skills (refinement) or in specific techniques; or
  • will be resuming practical work on laboratory mice after a prolonged break; or
  • are seeking added training in selected minor techniqu es such as e.g. intravenous injections or oral gavage

Course fee

The course is free of charge for KI PhD-students, KI postdocs and KM staff. Others affiliated to KI pay a fee of 3400 for Mice (5515) and 3900 SEK for Rats (5516) (including INDI). External participants pay a fee of 5400 SEK for Mice (5515) and 5900 SEK for Rats (5516) (excluding VAT).

Company employees please contact


Courses Autumn 2024


Anaesthesia, analgesia and surgery (mice and rats)

COURSE 2996: Anaesthesia, analgesia and surgery (mice and rats) (1.5 cr.)

This is a compulsory course for all persons who will work on animals in research involving anaesthesia and surgery. For a competence assessment of your current level of education and training contact

Instructors: Emeritus Professor Paul A Flecknell, MA, VetMB, PhD, DECLAM, DLAS, DECVA, (Hon) DACLAM, FRSB, (Hon) FIAT, (Hon) FRCVS Newcastle University, U.K

Chiara Zullian, DVM, PhD, DES Laboratory Animal Medicine, Dipl. ECLAM, Laboratory Animal Veterinarian, Comparative Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.


  • October 22,23,24: theory.
  • October 29 OR 30: practical lab session Group 1 and 2.
  • October 31: theory and exam.

LAS CPD credits: 1,5 credits

Register here

Course fee

Free for doctoral students and postdocs registered at Karolinska Institutet. For the rest of KI participants is 7900 SEK (including INDI), and for externals is 9900 SEK (excluding VAT). Company employees please contact


October - November

Function B

COURSE 3214: Function B – design of scientific projects and procedures using research animals (3 cr.)

This is a compulsory course for all persons who will design procedures and projects involving research animals. For a competence assessment of your current level of education and training contact 

Instructors: various international experts and local speakers. 

Course dates

October 28 - November 8  /Introduction and online learning 

November 11 - November 20  /Lectures, Group Work and Examination 

LAS CPD credits: 3 credits 

Register here

Course fee 

Free of charge for doctoral students and postdocs registered at Karolinska Institutet. For other KI participants the cost is 8900 SEK (including INDI), and for external participants it is 11500 SEK (excluding VAT). Company employees please contact 


E-mailing list

Please subscribe to our e-mailing list to get information about the LAS educational and training activities offered at Comparative Medicine: E-mailing list LAS educational and training activities

For external applicants (outside KI) who wish to join our mailing list, at least two internal references (from KI) should be given.


Unsubscribe: KM-LAS-EDU-signoff-request@EMAILLIST.KI.SE

Contact us

The Education & Training Unit at Comparative Medicine
