Swedish law and ethics on the protection of laboratory animals

A web-based course about Swedish legislation and ethics in experimental animal research.

Apply for the course

The Swedish legislation and ethics course is mandatory for all persons working with animals in research. All persons external to Karolinska Institutet with previous training in practical skills need a re-assessment before gaining access to KI animal facilities.

Researchers with education in laboratory animal science from countries other than Sweden need to pass the Swedish legislation and ethics course before they will be granted access to animal facilities at KI. Contact ntco@km.ki.se for a competence assessment. 

EU modules 1-2

There are two options for the course layout:

  • Theory only
  • Theory + assessment of practical skills

Course fee

Theory only

The course is free of charge for KI PhD-students and KI postdocs. Other KI participants pay a fee of 2000 SEK (including INDI). External participants pay a fee of 4000 SEK (excluding VAT).

Register here - Theory only

Theory and assessment of practical skills

KI PhD-students and KI postdocs pay a fee of 2000 SEK/one species (including INDI), and other KI participants pay a fee of 4000 SEK/one species (including INDI). External participants pay a fee of 8000 SEK/one species (excluding VAT).

Register here - Including skills

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