Recognize emotions with EU-emotion

On this homepage you will find the necessary material to carry out the group exercise “Recognize emotions with EU-emotion”.

This material has been put together for the SKOLKONTAKT and KONTAKT interventions. The group exercise is used with participants in order to allow practice of emotion recognition through facial expressions but also through the combination of facial expressions and other body language. Below you find the video material necessary to carry out the exercise.

Other material can be found in the manuals and working material used in SKOLKONTAKT and KONTAKT respectively.

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 1

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 2

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 3

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 4

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 5

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 6

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 7

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 8

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 9

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 10

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 11

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (face): Clip 12


Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 1

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 2

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 3

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 4

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 5

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 6

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 7

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 8

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 9

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 10

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 11

Recognize emotions with EU-emotion (body): Clip 12


Downloading of the material can de done here


These video clips are used for the group exercise ”Recognize emotions with EU-emotion” which is part of the interventions SKOLKONTAK/KONTAKT. EU-motion is a group exercise that use material from a European research project, see also:




For more information about the group exercise EU-emotion, please contact

Content reviewer:
Una Prosell