Information about the education

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The education is on the advanced (second) level of study and is given in collaboration with the executive and professional education at Karolinska Institutet (KI) and is funded by the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund.

The training lasts for two years (part-time) and takes the form of two four-day intensive boarding education per year and a follow-up of 2 days at the end of the education. The boarding education consists of lectures, group discussions and examinations. In between the boarding days, the education is web-based with educational assignments, exams, group discussions and self-studies at a distance and practice integrated learning.

Since 2012, the program has been offered at KI (2012–2014; 2015–2017; 2017–2019; 2019–2021; 2021–2023; 2023-2025) and comprises 30 Swedish credits for higher education divided into two courses.


The first three rounds (2003-2005; 2005-2007; 2008-2010) of the educational program were offered at the University of Gothenburg and included 45 Swedish credits for higher education.

Publication regarding the education

Nurses’ perceptions of the impact of a national educational program in pediatric oncology nursing: A cross-sectional evaluation. af Sandeberg, M., Olsson, M., Ek, T., Enskär, K., Stenmarker, M. & Pergert, P. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing. 2023 May/June;40(3):178-187. 

Confidence and authority through new knowledge: An evaluation of the national educational programme in paediatric oncology nursing in Sweden.
Pergert P, Af Sandeberg M, Andersson N, Márky I, Enskär K
Nurse Educ Today 2016 Mar;38():68-73
