News & Publications

Here you can find the latest news regarding SciRAP and our team such as publications or projects.


We are involved in PARC!

The SciRAP team will be active in several activities of the new the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) and the SciRAP tools will be used in different tasks.


Scientific articles

Bertram, M. G., Ågerstrand, M., Thoré, E. S., Allen, J., Balshine, S., Brand, J. A., ... & Brodin, T. 2024. EthoCRED: a framework to guide reporting and evaluation of the relevance and reliability of behavioural ecotoxicity studies. Biological Reviews.

Holmer, M. L., Zilliacus, J., Draskau, M. K., Hlisníková, H., Beronius, A., & Svingen, T. 2024. Methodology for developing data-rich Key Event Relationships for Adverse Outcome Pathways exemplified by linking decreased androgen receptor activity with decreased anogenital distance. Reproductive Toxicology, 128, 108662.

Casado‐Martinez, M., Dell'Ambrogio, G., Campiche, S., Kroll, A., Lauber, E., Marti‐Roura, M. & Ferrari, B. J. 2024. Incorporation of sediment‐and soil‐specific aspects in the Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating Ecotoxicity Data (CRED). Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.

Shao G, Beronius A, Nymark P. 2023. SciRAPnano: a pragmatic and harmonized approach for quality evaluation of in vitro toxicity data to support risk assessment of nanomaterials. Front. Toxicol. 5:1319985.

Wiklund L and Beronius A. 2022. Systematic evaluation of the evidence for identification of endocrine disrupting properties of Bisphenol F. Toxicology. 476:153255. doi:

Roth N, Zilliacus J, Beronius A. 2021. Development of the SciRAP Approach for Evaluating the Reliability and Relevance of in vitro Toxicity Data. Front Toxicol. 3:746430.

Escrivá L, Zilliacus J, Hessel E, Beronius A. 2021. Assessment of the endocrine disrupting properties of bisphenol AF: a case study applying the European regulatory criteria and guidance. Environ Health. 20(1):48. doi:

Waspe J, Bui T, Dishaw L, Kraft A, Luke A, Beronius A. 2021. Evaluating reliability and risk of bias of in vivo animal data for risk assessment of chemicals – exploring the use of the SciRAP tool in a systematic review context. Env Int. 146:106103. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.106103

Laura Escrivá, Ellen Hessel, Susanne Gustafsson, Rob van Spronsen, Magdalena Svanberg, Anna Beronius. 2020. A Validated Search Filter for the Identification of Endocrine Disruptors Based on the ECHA/EFSA Guidance Recommendations. Environ Int. 142:105828. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105828

Leong et al. 2019. On the issue of transparency and reproducibility in nanomedicine. Nature Nanotechnology 14: 629-635.

Ingre-Khans E, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A, Rudén C. 2019. Toxicity studies used in REACH - How accurately are they reported? Integr Environ Assess Manag. DOI: 10.1002/ieam.4123. [Epub ahead of print]

Ingre-Khans E, Ågerstrand M, Rudén C, Beronius A. 2019. Improving structure and transparency in reliability evaluations of data under REACH – suggestions for a systematic method. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1504275

Ingre-Khans E, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A, Rudén C. 2019. Reliability and relevance evaluations of REACH data. Toxicology Research. 8:46.

Beronius A, Molander L, Zilliacus J, Rudén C, Hanberg A. 2018. Testing and refining the Science in Risk Assessment and Policy (SciRAP) web-based platform for evaluating the reliability and relevance of in vivo toxicity studies. J Appl Toxicol. 38:1460-1470. 

Ågerstrand M, Christiansen S, Hanberg A, Rudén C, Andersson L, Andersen S, Appelgren H, Bjørge C, Clausen IH, Eide DM, Hartmann NB, Husøy T, Halldórsson HP, van der Hagen M, Ingre‐Khans E, Lillicrap AD, Beltoft VM, Mörk A-K, Murtomaa‐Hautala M, Nielsen E, Ólafsdóttir K, Palomäki J, Papponen H, Reiler EM, Stockmann‐Juvala H, Suutari T, Tyle H, Beronius A. 2018. A call for action: Improve reporting of research studies to increase the scientific basis for regulatory decision‐making. J Appl Toxicol. 1–3.

Ågerstrand M, Brenig M, Führ M, Schente J. 2017. Refining tools to bridge the gap between academia and chemical regulation: perspectives for WikiREACH. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 19, 1466-1473.

Beronius A, and Ågerstrand M. 2017. Making the most of expert judgment in hazard and risk assessment of chemicals. Toxicology Research 6:571-577.

Ågerstrand M, Sobek A, Lilja K, Linderoth M, Wendt-Rasch L, Wernersson A-S, Rudén C. 2017. An academic researcher’s guide to increased impact on regulatory assessment of chemicals. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 19:644-655. 

Hartmann NB, Ågerstrand M, Holten Lûtzhoft H-C, Baun A. 2017. "NanoCRED: A transparent framework to access the regulatory adequacy of ecotoxicity data for nanomaterial - Relevance and reliability revisited". NanoImpact 6:81-89. 

Ruden C, Adams J, Brock T, Buonsante V, Poulsen V, Schlekat C, Wheeler J, Ågerstrand M, Henry T. 2017. "Assessing the relevance of ecotoxicological studies for regulatory decision-making." Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 13(4):652-663. 

Molander L, Hanberg A, Rudén C, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A. 2017. "Combining web-based tools for transparent evaluation of data for risk assessment: developmental effects of bisphenol A on the mammary gland as a case study." J Appl Toxicol. 37(3):319-330. 

Hanson ML, Wolff BA, Green JW, Kivi M, Panter GH, Warne M St J, Ågerstrand M, Sumpter JP. 2017. "How we can make ecotoxicology more valuable to environmental protection." Science of The Total Environment 578: 228-235. 

Vandenberg LN, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A, Beausoleil C, Bergman Å, Bero LA, Bornehag C-G, Boyer CS, Cooper GS, Cotgreave I, Gee D, Grandjean P, Guyton KZ, Hass U, Heindel JJ, Jobling S, Kidd KA, Kortenkamp A, Macleod MR, Martin O, Norinder U, Scheringer M, Thayer KA, Toppari J, Whaley P, Woodruff TJ, Rudén C. 2016. "A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals." Environmental Health 15:74.

Cooper G, Lunn RM, Ågerstrand M, Glenn BS, Kraft AD, Luke AM, Ratcliffe JM. 2016. "Study sensitivity: Evaluating the ability to detect effects in systematic reviews of chemical exposures." Environment International 92:605–610.

Kase R, Korkaric M, Werner I, Ågerstrand M. 2016. Criteria for Reporting and Evaluating ecotoxicity Data (CRED): comparison and perception of the Klimisch and CRED methods for evaluating reliability and relevance of ecotoxicity studies. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:7. 

Beronius A, Vandenberg LN. 2016. "Using systematic reviews for hazard and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals" Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders 16(4): 273-87. 

Whaley P, Halsall C, Ågerstrand M, et al. 2016. “Implementing systematic review techniques in chemical risk assessment: Challenges, opportunities and recommendations”. Environment International 92:556-564. 

Ågerstrand M & Beronius A. 2016. ”Weight of evidence evaluation and systematic review in EU chemical risk assessment: Foundation is laid but guidance is needed” Environment International 92:590-596. 

Moermond C, Kase R, Korkaric M, Ågerstrand M. 2015. "CRED - Criteria for Reporting and evaluating ecotoxicity Data." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35: 1297-1309. 

Beronius A,  Hanberg A, Zilliacus J, Rudén C. 2014. ”Bridging the gap between academic research and regulatory health risk assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.” Current Opinion in Pharmacology 19:99–104.

Molander L, Ågerstrand M, Beronius A, Hanberg A, Rudén C. 2014. "Science in Risk Assessment and Policy (SciRAP): An Online Resource for Evaluating and Reporting In Vivo (Eco) Toxicity Studies." Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 21 (3), 753-762.

Beronius A, Molander L, Rudén C, Hanberg A. 2014. “Facilitating the use of non-standard in vivo studies in health risk assessment of chemicals – a proposal to improve evaluation criteria and reporting.” J Appl Toxicol. 34(6):607-17.

Ågerstrand M, Edvardsson L, Rudén C. 2013. Bad reporting or Bad Science?  Systematic Data Evaluation as a Means to Improve the Use of Peer-Reviewed Studies in Risk Assessments of Chemicals. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 20(6):1427-1445.

Ågerstrand M, Küster A, Bachmann J, Breitholtz M, Ebert I, Rechenberg B, Rudén C. 2011. Reporting and evaluation criteria as means towards transparent use of ecotoxicity data for environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals. Environmental Pollution 159(10): 2487–2492.

Ågerstrand M, Breitholtz M, Rudén C. 2011. Comparison of four different methods for reliability evaluation of ecotoxicity data - A case study of non-standard test data used in environmental risk assessments of pharmaceutical substances. Environmental Sciences Europe 23:17.

Book chapters and reports

Beronius A, Ågerstrand M, Rudén C, Hanberg A. 2017. Bridging the gap between academic research and chemicals regulation - the SciRAP tool for evaluating toxicity and ecotoxicity data for risk assessment of chemicals. Workshop report.

Ågerstrand M, Breitholtz M and Rudén C. Reporting and evaluating ecotoxicity data for environmental risk assessment­ How can current practices be improved, in Analysis, Removal, Effects and Risk of Pharmaceuticals in the Water Cycle 2nd edition. Eds: Mira Petrovic, Sandra Pérez and Damià Barceló, Elsevier.

Doctoral theses

Ingre-Khans, E. 2018. Transparency within REACH? Regulatory risk assessment of industrial chemicals. ISBN 978-91-7797-392-8. 

Molander, L. 2015. Chemicals in consumer products: Bridging the gap between academic research and chemicals regulation. ISBN: 978-91-7649-244-4. 

Beronius, A. 2013. Risk Assessment of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7549-144-8.

Ågerstrand, M. 2012. From Science to Policy. Improving environmental risk assessment and management of chemicals. Theses in Risk and Safety from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7501-507-1. 

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