Application | Doctoral programme in Public Health Science (PHSP)

Here you can find all information about applying to the Doctoral programme in Public Health Science (PHSP).

Sign up-information

If you are interested in the courses and activities in the Public Health Science programme, please send an email to This means that you will receive information directly from our programme, but you do not commit to participate in any activity.

To attend the courses organised in our doctoral programme, you need to apply as described below.

Application to doctoral courses at KI

Apply and find more information about doctoral courses in KI's course catalogue. The available courses on doctoral level are announced once per semester in April and October and the application period is open for one month.

Late application

Once the application period is closed, the applicant can only be admitted according to availability. A late application is made directly to the programme coordinator and course organiser.

Admission note by email

Formal note about admission (or not) is emailed to the applicants within a month after the application time is closed. If you are not admitted, you will be asked for interest to be on the waiting list. The applicant needs to confirm participation by a form signed by the applicant and his/hers supervisor.

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