About the doctoral programme and courses in Public Health Science (PHSP)

Here you can find all information about the programme and courses at the Doctoral programme in Public Health Science (PHSP).

Courses within the programme

Here is a list of the courses in the Doctoral programme in Public Health Science:

  • Data Management in Survey Design
  • Migration and Health
  • Public Health Research - Concepts and Theories
  • Public Health Implications of an Aging Population
  • Implementation Research in Health
  • Health Policy and Management
  • Global Mental Health
  • Migration and Health
  • Social determinants of health
  • Global Health Economic

Seminars, workshops and other activities

The programme hosts seminars, workshops and other educational activities. For example the kappa seminars about writing your kappa.

Seminar series

The purpose of our seminars is to provide an intellectually challenging, yet generous and informal environment where doctoral students can work on core topics and develop their knowledge together with junior and senior colleagues.

Our upcoming seminars and events
