Oral Health
The research in oral health focuses on Behavioral Intervention in Dentistry, Oral health promotion in different countries, and EPA model in Dental Hygiene education.
- Annsofi Johannsen, Professor
Project: Behavioural intervention in Dental clinical setting
The overall aim of the project is to strengthen the competency and utilisation of theory-based behavioural interventions, by identifying pre-requisites for implementation, but also by devising a pedagogical model to facilitate the clinical use of these treatment methods. A systematic review will be conducted to give an overview of theory-based behavioural interventions focusing on dental caries, periodontitis, and temporomandibular disorders. An interview study will explore stakeholders' perceptions of dental professionals working with theory-based behavioural interventions. Furthermore, a questionnaire study will explore patients’ satisfaction, opinions, and experiences of undergoing behavioural intervention treatment. The research will also construct, apply and evaluate a pedagogical model to improve the competence and confidence to use behavioural interventions among dental professionals. It is a PhD project.
Collaborations: Sebastian Malmqvist (PI), Emelie Boberg, Nikolaos Christidis, Terese Stenfors, Andreas Cederlund, Maria Christidis, Malin Collin, Essam Ahmed Al-Moraissi
Project: Dental staff´s experience of MI
To investigate Dental staff´s experience of Motivational interview – applying MI and treatment acceptance. The aim is to provide further knowledge on how education can increase the use of MI. The aim is also to explore the dental staff's experience of MI in their daily work and to gain a deeper understanding of how they work with behavioral methods, with focus groups interviews.
Collaborations: Michelle Lau, Tove Hassellblad
Project: Oral Health promotion in different countries
To study Oral health promotion project in low- and middle-income countries, in a systematic review. The primary aim is to map oral health promotion projects carried out in a low- and/or middle-income country according to the Human Development Index between 2019–2024. The secondary aim is to identify key factors that can promote oral health projects as well as to identify obstacles when implementing them.
Collaborations: Susanna Sättlin, Viveca Wallin Bengtsson
Project: EPA model in Dental hygiene education
Discuss and develop various tasks for training and assessment of clinical activities in the Dental hygiene (DH) programme, in accordance with the EPA model (Entrustable Professional Activities). The project constitutes of a national network with all DH programmes in Sweden. The research group will start with constructing a project plan, including several aspects as well as the students and the supervisor’s perspective.
Collaborations: Ann-Catrin André Kramer, Pia Andersson, Katarina Konradsson, Anna Liss, Zahra Roshandel, Annica Almståhl