Oral Health

The research in oral health focuses on treatment of peri-implantitis, the capitation contract system in Sweden, and pedagogical projects.

Principal Investigator

Project: Laser and Peri-implantitis

This project is about evaluating diode laser in the treatment of peri-implantitis. The aims are to evaluate the laser in combination with scaling and rootplaning compared to surgical treatment. An in-vitro study will investigate the effects of laser on the surface structure of dental implants. Patient’s experience will also be analysed regarding the two methods and a biopsy study will evaluate the histological differences between periodontitis and peri-implantitis patients and the presence of immune cells. It’s a PhD project.  


Anders Gustafsson, Elisabeth Boström, Georg Belibasakis, Talat Qadri, Gunnar Johannsen, Anders Liljeborg, Jonas Erdenborg  

Project: The Capitation contract system in Sweden 

To evaluate the capitation contract system, which is offered by dentists and dental hygienist in Sweden. The aim is also to examine the stakeholders and patients’ views and experiences of the dental capitation contract system.


Emelie Boberg, Michelle Lau, Bengt Franzon

Project: Pedagogical issues

One project aims to investigate factors that influence the prevalence of applying behavioural methods in oral health prevention and treatment and evaluate dental staffs experience of working with motivational interviewing-based approach. Another project investigates the knowledge and treatment of peri-implantitis among dental hygienists.

Other pedagogical projects which are focused on interprofessional collaboration with other health professionals:

  • To evaluate oral health, nutrition and wellbeing among elderly, carried out by dental hygienists- and nurse students.
  • To evaluate team collaboration between dental hygienists and dental students.


 Ann-Christin Johansson, Kåre Buhlin, Gunnel Wärn-Hede, Matilda Forsberg, Emelie Svensson, Katri Ståhlnacke

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