Comparative Medicine Biomedicum (KM-B)
Comparative Medicine Biomedicum is Comparative Medicine’s largest facility and dedicated to research on small rodents.

KM-B, Biomedicum.
About the facility
- KM-B opened in 2018 and has seven wings and six special units.
- The facility is directly through indoor walk-ways connected to both Biomedicum and KM-A.
- KM-B has D-and E-barrier and an Aqua-unit. In total, KM-B holds more than 100 laboratories and 27 000 MCE slots (mouse cage equivalents).
- On the top floor there is a suite of climate units (+4, +18-24, +30o C) with complementary lab space, a BSL-2 unit, and units for DNA transfer with replication-defective viruses and transplantation of human biomaterials to animals.
For your work in the facility
If you have a KI ID, log in at KM facilities to find hands-on resources and forms for your research.
Contact us