About the UTokyo-KI LINK

The purpose of the UTokyo-KI LINK is to facilitate collaboration between researchers and students at the University of Tokyo and Karolinska Institutet.

Activities in the programme

  • Identify parties interested in collaborations, both PI's, students and post docs.
  • Promote internationalisation of master's and doctoral level programme.
  • Identify need of support during research collaboration:
    - Support onboarding in either organisation. 
    ​​​​​​- Support grant applications in either country.
  • Organise joint meetings/symposia.
  • Apply for grants for increased activity within the program (eg STINT, MEXT, Swedish research council).
  • Make central lab functions of IQB (next-generation sequencers, mass spectrometers, cryo-electron microscopes, genome analysis techniques using optical tweezers microscopes, protein structure analysis techniques, and single-molecule analysis. techniques) available for researchers at Karolinska Institutet.

For more information, see Contacts.

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