NeurotechEU: Management and coordination (WP1)

Lead: Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands)
Co-lead: Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain)


Tasks Responsible university
Governance structures and management including internal communication Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands), Lead
Quality guidelines and mechanisms for implementation Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche (Spain), Co-lead

Communication and implementation

Implementation of the project within KI will be conducted widely through the university's various decision-making bodies, committees and groups. It is of great importance that the entire university is involved in designing the content of the project and identifies how and in what ways KI benefits the most from the collaboration in the future. For the success of the project, well-coordinated decisions will be required at all levels.

Working group at KI

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Ylva Olsson

Project Manager
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Maria Olsson

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Magnus Johansson

Quality assurance
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Mia Bjerke


Work packages
