After admission & ISP

After-admission checklist:
Within 1 month:
• Submit your Individual Study Plan
Within 3 months:
• Your ISP must be established
• Attend an ISP seminar in your local environment
• ISP meeting with the Study Director
Within the first year:
• Take the introduction course
• Identify a mentor
• Attend CNS 1-year follow-up meeting
Individual Study Plan (ISP)
Link to the ISP webpage
Your ISP must be submitted within 1 month and established within 3 months after admission, and updated annually irrespective of study rate.
ISP seminar
As a newly admitted PhD student you should present your research project during a seminar in your local environment (for your research group, section/division). This is in order to ensure that you get input on your project from researchers in your field and that the quality of the PhD student projects in the department is reasonable.
You should also participate Seminar series/Journal clubs during your PhD. Participation in the ISP seminar in your local environment can be counted as 1 occasion. Read more about how to report Seminar series.
Note: At CPF the ISP seminar is organized centrally, so please contact the administrator at CPF to set up a time for the seminar.
ISP meeting
Attend a meeting with the Study Director. An electronic Individual Study Plan (ISP) needs to be created and filled out before this meeting.
ISP meeting:
Purpose: Ensure that all aspects of the planned research and personal development plan, including supervision and research environment, are optimal and understood by all.
Who must attend this meeting: Applicant and main supervisor; co-supervisors and mentor are invited to participate in the meeting even though their attendance is not mandatory.
You should be prepared to: make a brief presentation of the project in English (max.10 minutes, with or without pictures and discuss all aspects of the proposed individual study plan, research and training plan, individualised learning objectives, including any revisions requested by the board.
Where: Usually at Widerströmska huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A, floor 5 (Hiss 1) - CNS conference room. The meeting takes approximately 1 hour.
Who holds the meeting: the Director of Doctoral education.
What to expect at the meeting: In addition to an overview of Doctoral education including description of mandatory administrative reporting tasks, you will have the chance to meet the Director of Studies in person. Additional supervisor/PhD students might attend the same meeting, so might be presenting your research and training plan to several scientists.
Take the introduction course
Introduction course
Must be completed within the first year.
Doctoral education begins with a compulsory centrally-arranged introduction course.
We strongly recommend you sign up as soon as possible, as the earlier you do it, the more you’ll get out of it.
- Apply for the introduction course
- Complete web courses before you participate in the oral lecture
- Participate in the oral lecture
- Your participation is registered in Ladok
Please note that the introduction course has a new syllabus (course number 5511) valid from the autumn semester of 2021 with extended content and that will be credit-bearing (1 hp).
Identify a mentor
Must be identified within the first year - register your mentor in your Individual Study Plan (ISP) during your next Annual follow-up.
Who can be a Mentor? - more information
An independent person who:
• Can advise you in any aspect of your personal and professional development
• Is not directly involved in your research project
• Is not your family member
So choose someone you trust to give you honest and constructive advice.
Attend CNS 1-year follow-up meeting
Will be held during Autumn term each year. The purpose of the day is to provide opportunities for inspiration and follow-up with the Director of Doctoral education for newly admitted PhD students.
The Doctoral education administrator will inform you by email about an upcoming meeting.
Alexandre Beckman
Doctoral Education AdministratorWill be held in December each year.
Idea of the day is to provide opportunities for inspiration and follow-up with the Director of Doctoral education for newly admitted PhD students.
The Doctoral education Administrator will send you an invitation.
Ingrid Kockum
Director of Doctoral Education (CNS)Contact