About the Division of Transplantation Surgery

The Division of Transplantation Surgery aims to significantly improve quality of life for a vast number of patients with various disorders, as well as giving new life to those where no other treatment is available.


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Gabriel Oniscu

Head of Division, Professor
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Bo Göran Ericzon

Professor, Senior
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Greg Nowak

Adjunct Professor


Division of transplantation Surgery is situated at Campus south, Flemingsberg, Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge.

Head of Division

Head of Division is Professor Gabriel Oniscu who is responsible for research, development and administration.

Research Groups

Organ Transplantation is led by professor Ericzon. 

The Karolinska Liver Cell Lab at F67 belongs to Transplantation and is headed by Dr Med Sci Ewa Ellis.

There are several affiliated researchers and PhD students focusing on projects related to organ transplantation and immunology. You can find out more about the projects on our page research and researchgroups.


We participate in the education of medical students, semester 7, and arrange courses for basic surgical training with transplantation surgery profile, SVK, semester 11, twice per year.  This course contains practical surgical training in the large animal laboratory. 

The most natural treatment

Health in man is dependent on well-functioning organs. Some organs may fail soon after birth, as in different inherited disorders, others later in life. When losing adequate function, this can be artificially corrected by, for instance, dialysis in end stage renal disease or insulin treatment in diabetes caused by insufficient pancreatic endocrine function. For some organs, such as the liver, no artificial replacement therapy is available and liver failure in an otherwise healthy person will end the life of this person.

Today, we know a great deal about the different functions of our various organs, but far from everything we need to know to be able to artificially replace those functions completely. Organ replacement and repair by transplantation compensates fully for the lost function, i.e. all functions including those yet not discovered, simply because those organs and cells know exactly what to do. Therefore, transplantation is the most natural treatment for a failing organ. Organs have developed over millions of years to possess the knowledge and functions necessary to maintain a good quality of life for the host.

Organ Transplantation in Sweden celebrated 50 years in 2014

In November 2014, it was 50 years since the first organ transplantation was performed in Sweden. The first kidney transplant in 1964, the first pancreas transplant in 1974 and the first liver transplant in 1984, all in Stockholm. The first heart transplant was performed in Gothenbourg in 1984.

Read more about the celebrations here.

Departments of Transplantation Surgery and of Clinical Immunology and transfusion medicine

Our activities are closely related to the clinic through the Department of Transplantation Surgery headed by Dr.Med.Sci Gunnar Söderdahl and the Department of Clinical Immunology and transfusion medicine headed by Dr. Med.Sci Emma Watz.


Scandiatransplant is the organ exchange organization for the Nordic countries and Estonia. We have a close collaborate with these countries and exchange not only organs but also important information, research projects and transplant knowledge. Prof. Bo-Göran Ericzon is presently the Chair of its board. Scandiatransplant can also provide research funding for collaborative projects between member centres.

Staff and associate personal


Karolinska Institutet
Department of Clinical Sciences, Intervention and Technology
Division of Transplantation Surgery
Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge
SE-141 86 Stockholm

Fax: +46 8 774 31 91

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