Eating and Swallowing Disorders

FUS undersökning

Swallowing disorders (dysphagia) are prevalent in neurological disorders (incl stroke), where the neurological control of the swallowing deviates from what is normal. Dysphagia is also common in other health conditions, such as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and head and neck cancer. Frail elderly with several health conditions and cognitive decline form a large group with complex health care needs related to their dysphagia.

Risks of dysphagia include insufficient intake of fluids and nutrition, and saliva, drinks and food entering the airways which can lead to pneumonia and choking. Social limitations and a reduced quality of life are common. Taken together, dysphagia is a serious health problem.

Early detection and intervention of dysphagia are important to minimize complications. In several projects we investigate dysphagia prevalence, and construct or try out new assessment instruments. Intervention projects include evaluation of effects on swallowing of “contagious yawning” and expiratory muscle strength training (EMST)

Project group members

Project group members
Kerstin JohanssonPhD, LecturerProject group leader
Per ÖstbergAssoc. prof, PhDResearcher
Riita MöllerAss. prof, ENT, phoniatricianResearcher
Sanna JanssonSLPMaster student
Emma LindroosSLPMaster student
Jeanette TellfordSLPMaster student
Maria KjellholmSLPCo-worker
Kerstin GustafssonSLPCo-worker

In collaboration with

In collaboration with
Lena HarteliusProfessor, SLPResearcherInstitute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Department of Health and Rehabilitation, Sahlgrenska academy, Göteborgs University
Mats TrulssonProfessorResearcherDepartment of odontology, Karolinska Institutet
Katrien ColmanPhD, DocentResearcherHanze Hogeschool, Groeningen, Netherlands
Camilla AnderssonHead of developmentCollaboratorErsta Diakoni, Ersta social work

Research projects

  • Prevalence of dysphagia in individuals 65 years and over who visit a primary health care central (Maria Kjellholm & Kerstin Johansson)
  • EAT-10 (Riitta Möller, Kerstin Johansson, Per Östberg)
  • Design of a multilevel screening tool to detect mealtime problems in older people with dementia in the community or residing in nursing homes (Katrien Colman & Kerstin Johansson)
  • Effects of free water in patients with dysphagia (Sanna Holstein Jansson)
  • Free from dysphagia? (Emma Lindroos)
  • Effects of contagious yawning on saliva production and swallowing in adults with traumatic brain injury – a possible treatment method (Jeanette Telford)

Selected publications

Deery, S. Dysphagia: a review of diagnostic screening tools & their use in nursing homes for the elderly. Student report, Summer research school, Karolinska Institutet, 2017

Persson, E., Wårdh, I., & Östberg, P. (2018). Repetitive Saliva Swallowing Test: Norms, Clinical Relevance and the Impact of Saliva Secretion. Dysphagia, 1-8

Möller R, Safa S, Östberg P. Validation of the Swedish translation of Eating Assessment Tool (S-EAT-10). Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2016;136(7):749-53

Vogel AP, Keage MJ, Johansson K, Schalling E. Treatment for dysphagia (swallowing difficulties) in hereditary ataxia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 Nov 13;11:CD010169

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