Kerstin Johansson
Assistant Senior Lecturer
Telephone: +46852483622
Visiting address: Blickagången 9 A, Enheten för logopedi F67, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Logopedi, 141 52 Huddinge
About me
- I pursued my doctoral studies 2009-2013 under the supervision of assistant
professor Ellika Schalling (KI), and co-supervisors professors Lena Hartelius
(Gothenberg University, GU) and Sten Fredrikson (KI). My thesis includes
works on voice and speech characteristics in multiple sclerosis (MS) and
cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI), and effects of respiratory training such
as glossopharyngeal breating in MS and CSCI, and Expiratory Muscle Strength
Training (EMST) in MS.
Åke Ljundahlsstipendiet, Parkinsonförbundet, 2005
I got my speech-language pathology (SLP) degree 1989 at the SLP program at
GU. 1997-2020 clinical SLP at Function Area
Speech-Language Pathology at the Karolinska University Hospital, where my
work focused on assessment and treatment of speech and swallowing in patients
with neurological conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, MS, ALS,
Huntington's disease, and in frail patients, specifically elderly with
cognitive disorders or dementia. 2010-2020 affiliatied to the division of
speech-language pathology at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention
and Technology (CLINTEC) at the Karolinska Institutet. Since 2020 full time adjucnt lecturer and since 2022 Assistant lecturer, In the
SLP program roles in teaching, clinical supervision, and supervision of students'
thesis and master theses.
Teaching Area
Course coordinator of the course Dysphagia (7.5 credits) in the SLP program
at KI. Supervisor in clinical training of SLP students, and of students' and
master theses. IPL promotor and member of KI IPL working group.
In 2021 och 2023 course coordinator for freestanding course Intervention for elderly with dysphagia (7.5 credits). In 2002, 2006 and 2010 course coordinator for the freestanding course
Fiberendoscopy in SLP practice (7.5 credits), KI, in collaboration with assistant
professors Ellika Schalling (in 2010) and Gunilla Henningsson (2002).
- Research Area
Swallowing difficulties in the elderly: identification, intervention and
In national and international clinical research collaborations, projects are
planned with the aim to reduce the risk for complications of dysphagia in the
elderly. These complications include malnutrition, dehydration, airway
complications and reduced quality of life. The overarching aim of the project
is improved methods for identification and diagnostics of dysphagia in
elderly and improved intervention and prevention for dysphagia in the
healthcare. Several studies are planned within the project: 1) prevalence of
dysphagia in elderly who visit a primary care central, 2) patient experiences
of dysphagia and patient-reported needs for intervention in elderly with
dysphagia, 3) validation of a clinical instrument for speech and language
pathologists – KIS2018v2 – for the quantification of dysphagia and
aspiration, 4) design of a multilevel screening tool to detect mealtime
problems in older people with dementia in the community or residing in
nursing homes, and 5) effects of different training methods for improved
swallowing. The benefit for the individual is improved health and quality of
life, for the health care increased knowledge and safer routines, for society
reduced costs. The studies are carried out partly within the curriculum of
students’ theses and master theses at the division of speech and language
pathology and re planned in collaboration with Swedish or international
Speech after cervical spinal cord injury, CSCI.
After my dissertation in November 2013 in-depth studies of voice and speech
in relation to respiratory function in CSCI (together with assistant
professor Anita McAllister, KI). Four studies are planned with the aim of
providing a basis for SLP intervention in this patient group. The project is
also undertaken in collaboration with professor Johan Sundberg at the Speech,
Music, and Hearing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. For study II,
data has been collected in the respiratory laboratory of professor Mattias
Heldner, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University (SU).
Neuromotor speech disorders.
Together with assistant professor Ellika Schalling (KI) and professor Lena
Hartelius (GU), surveys on self-perceived speech changes and services
provided following MS, PD and CSCI have been performed. The questionnaires
used included questions on perceived symptoms related to speech and
communication, experienced restrictions in communicative participation, and
services received.
In collaboration with professor Lena Hartelius and the Region Västra
Götaland (Angered Hospital and Skaraborg Hospital) a clinical project is
running during 2019-20 with the aim to study the Effects of Exspiratory
Muscle Strength Training (EMST) on voice, speech and swallowing in
Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). EMST is a promising
training method recently introduced in Sweden. Examples of documented effects
on swallowing after EMST is a more efficient swallowing and a decrease in
penetration and aspiration. A service evaluation of clinical experiences (K.
Johansson, presentation at the National Conference of Logopedics, 2018) from
the first years EMST has been offered in Sweden shows that the method is
appreciated among patients. Also, compliance is high for patients who
participate in EMST. The expiratory pressure (which reflects the strength in
the exspiratory musculature) increases. Patients who have participated report
positive effects such as reduced cough during meals, a generally more
forceful cough and improved ”wind”. However, the effects of EMST on
voice, speech and swallowing needs to be further evaluated, which is the aim
of the above described project.
Supervision, ongoing master projects
SLP Emma Lindroos – Free from dysphagia?
SLP Jeanette Telford – Effects of contagious yawning on saliva production
and swallowing in adults with traumatic brain injury – a possible treatment
SLP Sanna Jansson – Effects of free water in patients with dysphagia
SLP Jeanette Holmgren Nilsson – Effects of pitch training on swallowing
safety in individuals with neurological conditions, for example, ALS
Completed master project:
SLP Elisabet Östlund – Perception of pitch, identification of children's
songs, and self-reported experiences of music in children with bilateral
cochlear implants
Johansson K, Seiger, Å, Forsén, M, Holmgren Nilsson J, Hartelius, L,
Schalling, L. Assessment of voice, speech and communication changes
associated with cervical spinal cord injury. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2018
53(4):761-775. Epub Feb, 24, 2018DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12380
Schalling, E, Johansson, K, Hartelius, L. Speech and communication changes
reported by people with Parkinsons's disease. Folia Phoniatr Logop 2017
69(3):131-141. Epub 2018 Jan 18. doi: 10.1159/000479927
Johansson K, Strömbergsson S, Robieux C, McAllister A. Perceptual detection
of subtle dysphonic traits in individuals with cervical spinal cord injury
using an audience response systems approach. J Voice. 2017
Jan;31(1):126.e7-126.e17. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2015.12.015. Epub 2015 Dec
Vogel AP, Keage MJ, Johansson K, Schalling E. Treatment for dysphagia
(swallowing difficulties) in hereditary ataxia. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2015 11:1-20, CD010169. doi:
Johansson K, Hartelius L, Kjellmer L, Fredrikson S, Schalling E. “I can
walk briskly and talk at the same time!” - effects of Expiratory Muscle
Strength Training (EMST) on respiration and speech in multiple sclerosis. J
Med Speech Lang Pathol 2012 20(4):70-76
Johansson K, Nygren-Bonnier M, Schalling E. Effects of glossopharyngeal
breathing on speech in severe multiple sclerosis: a case report. Mult Scler
2012 18(6):905-8. Epub 2011 Dec 19. 2012 Jun;18(6):905-8. doi:
10.1177/1352458511430223. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
Johansson K, Nygren-Bonnier M, Klefbeck B, Schalling E. Effects of
glossopharyngeal breathing on voice in individuals with cervical spinal cord
injury. Int J Ther Rehabil 2011 18(9):501-510 DOI:
10.12968/ijtr.2011.18.9.501. Epub 29 Sep 2013. Publikationsdatum papper 1
september 2011.
Widen Holmqvist L, von Koch L, Kostulas V, Holm M, Widsell, G, Tegler H,
Johansson K, Almazán J och J de Pedro-Cuesta. A randomized controlled trial
of rehabilitation at home after stroke in southwest Stockholm. Stroke 1998
- Article: GERODONTOLOGY. 2024
- Article: GERODONTOLOGY. 2024;41(3):376-384
- Article: DYSPHAGIA. 2022;37(3):501-509
- Article: FOLIA PHONIATRICA ET LOGOPAEDICA. 2021;73(1):50-62
- Article: FOLIA PHONIATRICA ET LOGOPAEDICA. 2017;69(3):131-141
- Article: JOURNAL OF VOICE. 2017;31(1):126.e7-126.e17
- Article: MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 2012;18(6):905-908
- Article: STROKE. 1998;29(3):591-597
All other publications
- Letter: STROKE. 1998;29(8):1738-1739
- Swedish Research Council1 January 2021 - 31 December 2022
- Assistant Senior Lecturer, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2013
- Master Of Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2003