Cancer Research KI - Previous Events

Cancer Research KI aims to host a variety of seminar series in order to provide a comprehensive and pedagogical overview of different cancer research areas. Here you can find most of previously held events.

Previous Events, Seminars and Workshops

Previous Industry-academia collaborations events can be found here

Previous educational events

Back-to-back seminars: ”Circulating tumour DNA to monitor the complexity of cancer” and "Chromatin regulators in cancer"

17-08-2022 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Panel discussion for junior researchers 5 pm-6pm

”Circulating tumour DNA to monitor the complexity of cancer”

Professor Sarah-Jane Dawson, Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology & Centre for Cancer Research, University of Melbourne.

Professor Sarah-Jane Dawson is a clinician-scientist. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Melbourne in 1998, and trained as a medical oncologist in Melbourne, Australia. She completed her PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK. Following postdoctoral studies at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, she returned to Melbourne in 2014 to head the Molecular Biomarkers and Translational Genomics Laboratory at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. She also holds a joint appointment with the Centre of Cancer Research at The University of Melbourne (since 2016). Her current research interests are focused on the development of noninvasive blood-based biomarkers ('liquid biopsies') for clinical application, including early detection, risk stratification and disease monitoring in cancer management. The Dawson Lab

”Chromatin regulators in cancer: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities”

Professor Mark Dawson, Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology & Centre for Cancer Research, University of Melbourne. 

Professor Mark Dawson

Professor Mark Dawson is a clinician-scientist and the Associate Director of Research Translation at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. He graduated with a medical degree from the University of Melbourne in 1999, and subsequently trained as a haematologist in Melbourne, Australia. He was awarded a General Sir John Monash Fellowship and Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Fellowship, which he used to complete his PhD at the University of Cambridge in 2010. Following his PhD, he was awarded the inaugural Wellcome Trust Beit Prize Fellowship to pursue his research into epigenetic regulation of leukaemia stem cells. He returned to Melbourne in 2014 where his current research interest is studying chromatin regulation in normal development and cancer. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre


The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research

16-08-2022 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Campus Solna Ragnar Granit, Floor 3, Biomedicum

Head of Discovery and Preclinical Research, Becky Bish PhD, will present The Mark Foundation and its funding opportunities for cancer researchers. In 2021 Kirsty Spalding and Bennie Lemmens from KI were awarded by the Mark Foundation and the researchers will also in brief describe their projects during the seminar. Registration required!

The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research actively partners with scientists to accelerate research that will transform the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The Mark Foundation fulfills its mission by supporting groundbreaking science carried out by individual investigators, multi-disciplinary teams, and inter-institutional collaborations in the United States, Europe, and across the globe. Recognizing the obstacles that prevent scientific advances from improving patient outcomes, The Mark Foundation maintains a nimble, high-impact approach to funding cancer research that bridges the gap between bench and bedside through grants and early-stage venture investments.

Since 2017, The Mark Foundation has awarded more than $140 million in grants to enable innovative basic, translational, and clinical cancer research, including drug discovery. The Mark Foundation also has a robust and growing portfolio of investments in oncology companies developing novel therapeutics and diagnostics. Through its research and venture arms, The Mark Foundation supports projects throughout their life cycle to ensure their highest chance of success in impacting the lives of patients with breakthroughs in cancer care.

More about the KI researchers that received The Mark Foundation award.

KI-Mayo Seminars and Workshops 2021

In 2019, the Karolinska Institutet and Mayo Clinic celebrated 25 years of fruitful scientific collaboration and exchange. As part of this collaborative effort seminars and workshops will be held periodically in order to inform our cancer research community of ongoing/future work as well as grant announcements, 'match' researchers for specific grant calls and much more!

Next joint symposia on the 7th of October 16.00-19.00 (Swedish time) via zoom

The second joint Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and Cancer Research KI symposia will be arranged on the 7th of October 2021 at 16.00-19.00. This will be a zoom event and please email Johanna Furuhjelm at to register your participation. A detailed programme will be announced shortly.

On the 13th January 2021, at 15.00-18.00 (Swedish time), Mayo Clinic Cancer Center and Cancer Research KI held our first joint symposium to inform respective cancer research communities about ongoing breast cancer research. The purpose of this event is also for researchers in the breast cancer area to meet as well as to stimulate collaboration in this area between KI and Mayo Clinic Cancer Center. 

To register for this virtual event please email: Johanna Furuhjelm (Research Coordinator for Cancer Research KI) at

Cancer workshop for patient organisations/Cancer workshop för patientorganisationer 31st Mars/March 2021

*This event will be held on 31st March 2021 via ZOOM and all presentations/discussions will be held in Swedish.*

This joint workshop between Cancer Research KI and RCC Stockholm-Gotland, will aim to address opportunities for interaction and communication between different patient organisations, researchers and the general public. All presentations and discussions will be in Swedish. 

To register for the workshop contact:/ Anmälning sker genom mail till:

Zoom link to the event will be sent to the registered participants on the 30 March/ Länk till zoom eventet skickas ut till alla anmälda den 30 mars.


Advanced Cancer Biology Seminars

Seminar series in Advanced Cancer Biology at Biomedicum, KI Solna, Spring 2019

The seminar series will provide a comprehensive and pedagogical overview of the cancer research area including different tumor types, mechanism and models of cancer. The topics include apoptosis, cell cycle, cancer stem cells, differentiation, senescence, virus and bacteria-associated cancer, tumor immunology, cancer genetics and epigenetics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics of cancer, tumor microenvironment, angiogenesis, metastasis, tumor heterogeneity and development of new treatments as well as key issues in clinical cancer research.

The seminar series is intended for PhD students, postdocs and researchers. Participating in the seminars will generate credit points for PhD students according to the KI and/or departmental rules. PhD students interested in this opportunity can “register” by sending an e-mail to organizers as specified below. Registered students will receive a schedule for the seminar series and will be notified per e-mail about upcoming lectures each week. A list will be passed around during the lecture for signing by attending PhD students, and will be used to calculate achieved credit points at the end of the semester.

The seminar series is organized to contain approximately 20 lectures of 45 min plus 15 min discussion, held once per week during the semester held by invited national and international prominent researchers.

All seminars are held in rooms at Biomedicum floor 3 (entry floor) KI Solna Campus at 1 pm, usually in B0313 unless otherwise stated during the period 2019-01-15 - 2019-06-11.


Lars-Gunnar Larsson, MTC, e-mail: (main organizer)
Galina Selivanova, MTC, email:
Margareta Wilhelm, MTC, e-mail:

PhD students interested in this opportunity should send an e-mail to:

Nordic GAP workshop 2017

The first Nordic Global Academic Program (NGAP) Workshop was hosted by Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen on Oct 12th, 2017 bringing together the Nordic Sister Institutions and MD Anderson Cancer Center for lively discussions and interaction with the goal of fostering collaborations on clinical trials.

The program featured prominent experts on cancer registries, data handling, bio banking, advances in precision medicine and cancer treatment from

  • Rigshospitalet
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • Cancer Registry of Norway
  • Karolinska Institutet
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Houston, TX, USA


MD Anderson - Karolinska Institutet workshop

Karolinska Institutet is a sister institution to the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Huston, Texas, since 2013.

The MD Anderson - KI workshop was held on Sept 24th, 2017 at Djurönäset to bring together scientists from both institutions further encouraging interaction and collaboration between the research sites.


We were proud to recently celebrate the renewal of the sister institution agreement as part of the Global Academic Program (GAP) conference in May, 2018.

CRISPR/Cas9 2nd workshop

The popular CRISPR/Cas9 workshop was held for a second time January 12-13, 2015 at KI Science Park.

Invited Speakers

  • Feng Zhang, Broad Institute of MIT
  • Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo, KI
  • Philip Hublitz, University of Oxford, WIMM
  • Thoru Pederson, University of Massachusetts Medical School
  • Vera Grinkevich, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute


KI-Roche Oncology Workshop

The first KI-Roche Oncology workshop was held October 19-20, 2015 at Nobel Forum. The ambitions and ongoing efforts under the Master Collaboration Agreement (MCA, active since Dec. 2014) were introduced. Short scientific presentations were held by both parties, laying ground for discussions regarding possibilities for joint projects.

CRISPR/Cas9 1st workshop

The first StratCan workshop was held January 7-8, 2015 on CRISPR/Cas9. The workshop was a theory & hands on workshop teaching how to design and use the CRISPR/Cas9 system for in vitro (cells) and in vivo (mice) applications.

Invited speakers were leading researchers involved in developing this technique: Feng Zhang, Haoyi Wang, Kosuke Yusa and Vera Grinkevich. The workshop received great interest with over 70 applicants and the number of participants was therefore expanded from 30 to 45, including also international participants from Germany, France and the UK.


BIOCON-KI Symposium

A joint 1-day symposium by BIOCON and KI on novel cancer therapy, was held at Nobel Forum April 25, 2014.

BIOCON, the Medicinal Bioconvergence Research Center (Director Sunghoon Kim) is based at Seoul National University and focuses on novel therapeutic target discovery and validation that can be further explored by the industry.

BIOCON-KI Symposium program


Past seminars by StratCan

See past seminar series organized by StratCan.

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