M4R: a new mentorship program for researchers at KI
Mentor4Research (M4R) program is aimed at researchers who are interested in learning more about the commercialization or implementation of research and collaborating with the business community.

KI Innovations AB (KIIAB) will run a mentorship program for oncology and stem cells and regenerative medicine researchers at KI in collaboration with Cancer Research KI and StratRegen, two of the Strategic research areas (“Strategiska Forskningsområden, SFOs” in Swedish) at KI.
Program Period: February 2021 - November 2021
Place: KI Innovations, Campus Solna
Application period: 1 September – 1 October 2020
Mentor4Research (M4R) Program
M4R requires no prior knowledge of commercialization or implementation. The program is specially tailored to those with little or no experience of commercializing research who want to know more. The M4R program includes lectures and workshops in addition to mentoring. The program for 2021 is sponsored by Cancer Research KI and StratRegen and is free of charge for the participant. It offers rich networking opportunities, both within and outside academia.
M4R allows researchers to work with a business-mentor to:
- gain a deeper insight into and understanding of the commercialization or implementation process
- increase their links with the business community
- carry out a preliminary evaluation of the commercial potential of their research
The mentors have many years of business experience and are hand-picked based on each researcher's situation and needs.
Short Facts
- Open for researchers within the oncology or stem cells and regenerative medicine research community at KI
- The program is free of charge
- In addition to the individual meetings between mentor and researcher, the program includes seminars and workshops meetings with all participants (see next page for more details).
- The program starting in February 2021 and end in November 2021.
- Application open 1 September - 1 October 2020.
- Interviews and mentor matchmaking Oct - Dec 2020.
- Final notification by January 1st, 2021.
Apply for the Program
There has already been an info meeting for this program, however to find out more information about how to apply please click the following link, for convenience we have also added the application form here but we recommend that you read through all the supporting information first.
Please direct your questions about the program and application procedure to the organisers by emailing: alina.frieberg@kiinnovations.se