Recap of Conference: Cancer, equality and Europe's Beating Cancer Plan
In conjunction with Sweden's current EU presidency the conference “Cancer, equality and Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan” was organized by the Swedish Comprehensive Cancer Centers and the Swedish Cancer Society and held on the 9th of May 2023 at Karolinska University Hospital, Solna.

The conference addressed the advantages and challenges that the EU and its citizens meet related to cancer care and discussed how to develop them further. The purpose of the event was to contribute to the further development of implementation of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.
The event tas attended by more than 200 scientists, politicians and officials from Sweden and other European countries as well as representatives from European patient organisations. The Swedish Minister of Health Care Acko Ankarberg Johansson talked about the possible governmental actions at the national and EU level to achieve a more equal cancer care within the framework of EU’s cancer plan.
Representatives from different comrehensive cancer centers (CCC) presenter on how the collaboration between CCCs in Europe can improve the opportunities for patients with cancer.
Two groups of European cancer researchers including researchers from Karolinska Institutet presened the results and recommendations of the work done in collaboration since the French presidency. The groups submited two position papers to the Swedish Minister of Health about “Cancer with poor prognosis” and “Improving the quality of life for cancer patients and survivors”.
Submitted position papers:
- Cancer with poor prognosis
Matthias Löhr, Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Karolinska CCC, Sweden
Jean-Baptiste Meric, director of the Public Health and Care Division of the National Cancer Institute (INCa), France
Living well after a cancer diagnosis and treatment – the way back to working life
Yvonne Wengström, Professor Health Care Sciences, Karolinska CCC, Sweden
Jérôme Foucaud, Head of the Human and Social Science, Epidemiology and Public Health Research Department, National Cancer Institute (INCa), France