Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The Strategic Research Programmes in Cancer: U-CAN from Uppsala/Umeå, BioCARE from Lund/Göteborg, and StratCan from Karolinska Institutet, meet yearly for a joint national meeting on cancer research.
6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting was held on 16-17th of May-2023 at Aula Medica,Karolinska Insitutet, Stockholm. The meeting was arranged jointly by Cancer Research KI, U-CAN from Uppsala and Umeå University, Lund University Cancer Centre, and Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research.

Recap from 6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
Short summary of the 6th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
5th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 5th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting was held in Umeå, October 3-4, 2019. The meeting was open to all members of U-CAN, BioCARE, and StratCan.
4th Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 4th Swedish Cancer Research meeting was held November 7-8, 2016 at the Wallenberg conference center in Gothenburg.
3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 3rd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting was held September 2-3 at Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. The meeting attracted over 650 participants and received excellent feedback. Plenary sessions and workshops with international leaders in the field were complemented with meet-the-professor sessions, poster sessions and a joint conference dinner for interaction and networking.
On the evening before the scientific meeting a satellite event was arranged together with The Swedish Cancer Society (Cancerfonden) on the topic "Swedish cancer research – how do we become world-leading?". The event attracted some 200 participants. It was initiated with short talks by international guest speakers Charles Sawyers, Sabine Tejpar, and David Lane, followed by a panel discussion led by Klas Kärre, chairman of the Cancerfonden research committee.
2nd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 2nd Swedish Cancer Research Meeting was held in Uppsala, November 7-8, 2013. The meeting was open for clinical and preclinical researchers at universities with activities in any of the three strategic cancer research projects U-CAN, BioCARE and StratCan. The meeting attracted some 300 participants, successfully serving as a meeting point for cancer researchers nationally.
The program included plenary sessions and workshops on the themes:
- Translational research on patient cohorts
- Preclinical research as a basis for new therapies
- Metastasis
In addition there were short presentations by SFO members about ongoing research in the SFO projects and poster sessions.
1st Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The 1st Swedish Cancer Research Meeting Meeting was held November 8-9, 2012 at Hilton Hotel, Malmö.