Education in Nutrition Science

Nutrition is an exciting and growing science where there is a great interest for new discoveries. But which diet is actually the best?

There are many theories flourishing in the media. So to understand the science behind it you will need a broad understanding of the topic, from molecules and cells and how the body function to the connection between diet and health at a population level.

The Master's programme in Nutrition Science

Listen to what some of our students got to say

bowls with different vegetables and seeds
Vegetables and seeds. Photo: Private

Why study nutrition science?

Human nutrition is an interdisciplinary science including a wide range of areas; from natural sciences such as chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, food science to physiology, medicine, toxicology, epidemiology and public health science. It is a science about how our diet affects our health and well-being, about human energy metabolism and about the nutrients we need in order to maintain health, their functions in the body, their dietary sources and how much we need of them.

Human nutrition is called for in all situations that relates to diet and health, in both preventing and treating diseases. Most of our common diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and cancer are, for example, related to diet and lifestyle. Many of these health problems are today a global issue.

lab. environment, student looking in a microscope
Lab. in Food chemistry, Bachelor's programme in Nutrition. Photo: Sara Bruce

Sport nutrition, the interaction between nutrition and genes (nutrigenomics) and the importance of the intestinal flora for our well-being are other areas within nutrition science. The development within molecular biology has become an important part in nutrition science and has made it possible to study and start to understand the mechanisms behind the impact of diet on the body, even down at the level of gene regulation.

If you wish to get a more in-depth knowledge of nutrition science and work with issues regarding diet and health from a more scientific basis, you will need knowledge on university level.

The Bachelor's programme in Nutrition

What can you work with after the studies?

The Bachelor's programme in nutrition will give you a broad scientific background and the interdisciplinary character of nutrition science makes it useful in a wide range of professions. Unlike a dietitian, which is a protected professional title, a nutritionist does not work directly with patients.

  • Health information and health promotion work, such as with production of information material, counseling and information for individuals or groups, planning, implementing and evaluating health projects.
  • Education, for example teaching nutrition for health care professionals, coaches, teachers and other people responsible for dietary advice.
  • Product development, for example developing foods, supplements, natural remedies, decide on nutrition and quality requirements for products and raw materials, monitor and prepare labeling and marketing.
  • Laboratory work, in various food, pharmaceutical and chemical fields, among others.
  • Research, with the possibility of in-depth study in many different nutrition-related areas.

Possible work places include counties, municipalities, government agencies, international organisations, universities, food companies and pharmaceutical companies. A growing number of nutritionists also run their own business as consultancies, particularly in informing about the relationship between diet and health.