Contacts - Education in Nutrition

The Department of Medicine, Huddinge at Karolinska Institutet is responsible for the education in Nutrition. Here you can find more information about who we are and where to find us.

The Department of Medicine, Huddinge belongs to KI South and is situated in the Neo building at Campus Flemingsberg. We offer an international educational and research environment in which about 700 scientists, students, administrative and technical staff are active. The Biosciences and Nutrition Unit (BioNut) at the Department are involved in the courses in nutrition.

However, most of the courses will take place in two other buildings at Campus Flemingsberg: at Alfred Nobels Allé 8 (ANA8) and 23 (ANA23)


Magdalena Rosell

Programme director, Master's Programme in Nutrition Science and Director of Studies, Bachelor's programme in Nutrition
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Sara Bruce

Study Counsellor and Educational administrator

Christine Delisle Nyström

Assistant programme director, Master's programme in Nutrition Science
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Maria Henström

Deputy Director of Studies, Bachelor's programme in Nutrition
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Eric Poortvliet

Course leader and nutritionist

Map of Campus Flemingsberg