Nya doktorander vid institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik - CLINTECNyantagna doktorander2024Franziska ThimmHuman Papillomavirus testing as diagnostic support in cervical and anal cancerE-post: merged_franziska.thimm.2@ki.se Sara SöderqvistReplacement Growth in Pancreatic Cancer and its Liver Metastases: Live Cell Studies and Clinical ConnectionsE-post: sara.soderqvist@ki.se Annika ViljamaaLiver Metastases Encapsulation: Cellular Players and Molecular MechanismsE-post: annika.viljamaa@ki.seOlof GrönlundReplacement Growth in Pancreatic Cancer and its Liver Metastases: Live Cell Studies and Clinical ConnectionsE-post: olof.gronlund@ki.se Stefan HammaImproving individual prognosis of individuals with PSC with MRIE-post: stefan.hamma@ki.seEmmanouil KoltsakisRadiomics and artificial intelligence for the study of oesophageal cancerE-post: emmanouil.koltsakis@ki.seErik BergquistPancreatic cancer – early diagnostics and surgical treatment of premalignant lesionsE-post: erik.bergquist@ki.seEmma IsbergImmune cell and cytokine composition in women with dysmenorrheaE-post: emma.isberg@ki.seAnna ClaréusAspects of cord clamping time and stabilization of neonates at cecarean sectionsE-post: anna.clareus@ki.seAnna DahlEffects and mechanisms on violence of universal interventions in young childrenE-post: anna.dahl.2@ki.se Christofer ÄngFrom severe combined immunodeficiency to impact of low lymphopoietic output at newborn screeningE-post: christofer.ang@ki.seLina LjungholmProcesses, effects and costs of health assessments in children with suspected maltreatmentE-post: lina.ljungholm@ki.seMarcus NömmCognitive impact associated with surgery for gastric and esophageal cancerE-post: marcus.nomm@ki.seNora NorénMolecular subtypes, therapeutic approach and outcome in gastroesophageal canceE-post: nora.noren@ki.se Oscar LapidusTrauma team activation and triage of severely injured patients at non-trauma hospitalsE-post: oscar.lapidus@ki.se2023Bashar DabbaghAlbumin Quality in liver failure and liver transplantationE-post: bashar.dabbagh@ki.se Gustav AlvfeldtStandardised reporting template effect on reporting completeness – a retrospective analysis in radiology reporting for rectal cancer staging using MRIE-post: gustav.alvfeldt@ki.seZheer TawfiqueBone conducted stimulation in audiology and neurotology: new perspectivesE-post: zheer.tawfique@ki.seEirini PaziouAllergen specific immunotherapy and predictive markersE-post: eirini.paziou@ki.se Ulrika SkogelandPerson-Centred Care in CF: Experience and Adherence of KaftrioR -Treated and lung-Transplaned personsE-post: ulrika.skogeland@ki.se Charlotte PalmqvistHygienaspekter inom röntgenverksamhetenTelefon: +46852483585E-post: charlotte.palmqvist@ki.seLeah HernandezUremia-induced early vascular ageing: targets of injury and potential therapeuticsE-post: leah.hernandez@ki.seTed NilssonKinetic modelling and textural analysis applied to PET imaging with FAPI in pancreatic and gastric leasionsE-post: ted.nilsson@ki.se Timo OosterveldEnergy metabolism in the critically IIIE-post: timo.oosterveld@ki.se Lise-Lott LarssonHealthcare professional related factors and airborne bioparticles during arthroplasty surgeriesE-post: liselott.larsson@ki.seIngrid AlvarezPsychoactive drugs and breastfeedingE-post: ingrid.alvarez@ki.se Jenny WrackefeldtDevelopment and implication of a digital application for PROMS in patients with chronic kidney diseaseE-post: jenny.wrackefeldt.2@ki.seQingyun YaoEffectiveness of cervical screening among post-menopausal women based on HPV testing, self-samplingE-post: qingyun.yao@ki.seFeven DawitAlagille syndrome – a challenging multiorgan diseaseE-post: feven.dawit@ki.se Jari RadrosContemporary management of small renal massesE-post: jari.radros@ki.se Dawid RutkowskiA deep learning-based radiogenomic approach to assess tumour characteristics in pancreatic cancerE-post: dawid.rutkowski@ki.se Vera NilsénA study on liver transplantation – immunological mechanisms in health and allograft rejection and the need for organs for transplantationE-post: vera.nilsen@ki.se Ainhoa Garcia SerranoStudies of the microbiome in cancerE-post: ainhoa.garcia.serrano@ki.se Ebba AsplundLiquid biopsy before and after surgery for pancreatic cancerE-post: ebba.asplund@ki.seEmel YilmazStudies on possible improvements of the performance of cervical screeningE-post: emel.yilmaz.2@ki.se Ulrika LiliemarkBiliary atresia – etiology, pathogenesis and connection to CMV infectionE-post: ulrika.liliemark@ki.seFrida OldendorffGrampositiva bakterier på neonatalavdelning – aspekter på kolonisation, infektion, diagnostik och prognosE-post: frida.oldendorff@ki.seAlexandra NowakInfections, immune response and microbiome in kidney transplant recipientsE-post: alexandra.nowak@ki.seParaskevi KosmaThe development of early airway function in preterm and term born infants.E-post: paraskevi.kosma@ki.seAngelica ArtborgCKD and infectious diseasesE-post: angelica.artborg@ki.seGalyna ZinkoDifferent guiding techniques for percutaneous ablation of renal massesE-post: galyna.zinko@ki.seClara Svenberg LindSurgical injury in otorhinolaryngologyE-post: clara.svenberg.lind@ki.se