Undergraduate education at MEB

MEB is responsible for undergraduate education within the medical program and the psychology program.

The education mission at Karolinska Institutet has to be carried out according to the framework set up by the program committee. A department has the responsibility as course provider and is therefore responsible for the course in its entirety. Courses are usually run in collaboration between several departments and so is the administrative coordination.

Responsible for undergraduate education (GUA)

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Riitta Möller

Senior Lecturer/Senior Physician

The medical program

The department is responsible for the scientific education, called "scientific development" (VetU) in the medical program at Karolinska Institutet. VetU teaching is partly integrated in the program courses, but is also given as two separate courses that are examined separately. An important part of VetU introduces students to scientific thinking and a scientific approach as a modern physician need in their daily work, as well as preparing students for life-long self-directed learning.

The course Scientific Methodology in Medicine is implemented during the last 3 weeks of semester 5 and is on advanced level comprising 4.5 credits. The aim of the course is that the student should acquire advanced knowledge in medical scientific methodology and analysis, and develop critical reflection and research ethics. The course prepares students for the practice of evidence-based medicine and to critically follow the medical scientific knowledge development.

The course Degree Project in Medicine is on advanced level of 30 credits and conducted in semester 8. The overall objective of the course is to give students a deeper knowledge by independently and individually, under supervision, plan and implement a research-oriented project work in the main field medicine. The purpose of the degree project is to give students a good basis for assessing any new scientific findings which are the basis for today's modern medicine. Teaching should also inspire and motivate the aspiring physician to continued curiosity and a scientific approach in the future professional activity.

The psychology program

The department takes part in the course "Differential psychology" which is a course on the basic level (15 university points) and is given in term 3 of the program.

The course contents include construction of psychological measurement instruments and basic terms within psychometrics, an overview of statistical methods and research traditions within areas of differential psychology and an in-depth view of questions concerning the importance of inherited and environmental trails for the differences between people.

The course is divided into three parts:
Psychometrics and statistics, 6 points
Intelligence and personality, 4.5 points
Behavior, 4.5 points

Contact us

Send an e-mail to UN@meb.ki.se

Courses at Karolinska Institutet

Study program in Medicine (Swedish pages only):
Degree project in medicine (30 hp)
Scientific Methodology in Medicine (4.5 hp)
Scientific development

Psychology program:
Differentiell psykologi (15 hp)

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