PhD Student

Handy information for PhD students at the Department of Women's and Children's Health

Some routines are compulsory for all PhD students. These are listed below. Please contact the research education administration if you have further questions or want clarifications. Reports and applications listed below should be sent to the same administrations manager at the Department.

Course credits - Ladok

  • All PhD courses as well as other activities listed in the approved individual study plan must be registered in your personal PhD registry, Ladok. Please check your registry continuously at Ladok-web to assure that all information is correct.
  • Also when it comes general science courses, they must have been approved within the last 5-years period, some courses (ethics, statistics) even within a shorter time frame.

How will courses/activities be registered in Ladok? How are credits reported?

a. Karolinska Institutet PhD courses

Courses passed at KI after being admitted to PhD studies are automatically registered in your Ladok registry by the respective course responsible person/department.

However, if you have passed a KI course before being formally admitted to postgraduate education, you have to apply (form 13) to the Department to get the course registered in your Ladok. The course certificate as well as the course plan have to be submitted along with the credit application form.

b. PhD courses at other universities

To have PhD courses which are approved at other universities registered in your Ladok, you must hand in the separate credit application form (form 13) as well as a copy of the course certificate and a study plan/schedule (one application form for each course).

c. International congress

A prerequisite for course credits is an oral or poster presentation, not only being present at the congress. Besides the credit application form 16, a copy of the congress announcement as well as an abstract and/or invitation have to be submitted. Please note whether the presentation was an oral one or a poster.

d. Seminar series / Journal clubs

Along with the credit application form (16), a loggbook, a schedule or certificate stating participation in the seminars must be submitted.

e. Teaching

A list of teaching activities certified by the course/programme responsible person has to be submitted along with the credit application (form 16).

f. Other

"Other" could refer to e.g. research training at a foreign university/laboratory. A prerequisite is that the training can not be obtained at KI. Along with the credit application form 16, a certificate from the person responsible for your training is needed, stating the purpose for as well as the time period and place of the training activity.

Forms and documents

Note! A separate application form and adequate enclosures for each course / activity. Send your application and enclosures to the research education administration

PhD Activity and Financing - compulsory

Activity: Twice a year it is compulsory to report the percentage of actual time spent on the PhD training, i.e. on the research project, on courses, and on other PhD-related activities such as congresses, seminar series, literature studying, irrespective of time of day or day of week. Please don't underestimate the time spent!

Financing: How the PhD studies are financed should also be specified in this report. Please note that the financing only concerns the PhD activity as described above, not a possible employment even though PhD activities often are performed during ordinary office hours.

You will be notified when this is due (in June respective December each year). This information is continuously reported in your Ladok files.

Form:Activity and means of support for doctoral students

Annual follow-up - compulsory

Once a year, starting one year after being formally admitted to PhD studies, it is compulsory to make a more in-depth review of the PhD project and study plan progress. The doctoral student and principal supervisor follow up the progress and report it together in the digital ISP system.

Note! The half-time seminar equals a yearly follow-up, i.e. one year after the half-time seminar the next yearly follow-up is due.

Annual follow-up

Oral presentation at a PhD seminar

In addition, one year after PhD admission there will be a public compulsory PhD seminar at the department headed by the PhD study director. Participation renders 0.5 course credits in Ladok.

The presentation should focus on background, material and methods (in English). After presenting an oral discussion will follow. A separate invitation will be sent to the students in question well in advance.

Half-time seminar

The Application form, (including the half-time summary) has to be submitted to the research education administration at the Department at least one month before the seminar. The application will be assessed by the PhD study director.


Only PhD students admitted for a doctoral degree (= 4 years) are eligible for half-time control.

Before the half-time review the doctoral student should compile a half-time summary consisting of:

  • Application form
  • a literature review of the research field (normally about 8 pages excl. references)
  • a progress report of (2-4 pages) the research project and the learning process in relation to the individual learning outcomes
  • a plan for the remaining doctoral education (1-2 pages)
  • reflections on ethical considerations in the project

All documents should be submitted to the examiners. Contact KBH Webb for the the seminar to be announced in the KI web calendar.

Note! The half-time seminar protocol (form 5) shall be submitted to the Department PhD research education administrationr.

Travel grants

Travel grants are twice a year awarded to PhD students at the Department of Women's and Children's Health, in Spring (July 1 - December 31) and Autumn (Januar 1 - June 30). The activity must be of importance for the PhD research.

Applications covering the period 1 July - 31 December will be announces in spring term, and for the period 1 January - 30 June in the autumn term

Awards are granted for

1. Presentation at an international congress

2. Research training at a foreign university

3. PhD courses/workshops outside Sweden


  • Main supervisor's letter of support stating the importance of the activity in question for carrying out the PhD project.
  • Congress abstract incl. confirmation of participation, if available, or invitation to a foreign university.

Send your application to the research education administration

A travel report must be submitted if an award is granted.

Contact: research education administration

Seminar series / Journal Club

Seminar series / Journal clubs in different research areas are organized, contact persons below. At the KBH website seminars and lectures are listed.

Paediatric endocrinology, Journal club

Contact: Lars Sävendahl

Astrid Lindgren Seminar series

Contact/Organizer: Jan-Bernd Stukenborg

Paediatric Neurology 

Contact/Organizer: Ronny Wickström

Childhood Cancer Research Research Seminars

Contact/Organizer: Adamantia Fragkopoulou, Phillip Newton, Karin Belander-Strålin, Tony Frisk and Susanna Ranta.


Contact/Organizer: Janina Neufeld

