Education Neuro

Teaching is an important part of the activity in the Neuro section. We work together in the education of medical doctors (MD), nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and biomedical scientists.

Teaching permeates the clinical work in which our Clinical Associate Professors have a significant role. The Associate Professors are experienced clinical researchers that have a teacher education at KI, together with the professions at the University Hospital they develop the student knowledge and skills.

Programs and courses


We teach at:

*courses with its own examination

To conclude, the teaching represents a large part of our activities and our employees are deeply involved in education issues. Educational development is ongoing and the teaching content is synchronized in the interaction between Swedish universities.


Director of Studies Solna

Professor/senior physician

Lou Brundin

Enhet: Neuro Brundin


Course administrator Solna

Marie-Louise Toresson Wingårdh

Telefon: 08-517 747 64



Director of Studies Huddinge

Adjunct senior lecturer/physican

Caroline Ingre

Enhet: Neuro 



Course administrator Huddinge

Study Programme in Medicine, semester 9, Neurology Huddinge

Eva Jacobsson

Telefon: 08-585 830 42


