MedH Flow Cytometry Core Facility - our offer
The MedH Flow Cytometry Core Facility at Karolinska Institutet (KI) provides an opportunity for assisted and non-assisted flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting for KI, Karolinska University Hospital researchers as well as users from other universities and companies.
The MedH Flow Cytometry Core Facility is equipped with the following instruments for non-assisted analysis and both assisted and non-assisted cell sorting experiments. Minimum time for sorting or analyzing is one (1) hour.

BD Discover S8 (Spectral and Imaging)
This spectral image-based sorter with BD cell view image technology is a full spectral analyzer where cells can be sorted based on images and using imaging parameters like eccentricity, max intensity, size, radial moment, correlation, and delta center of mass. Discover S8 which is equipped with 5 lasers can detect 78 parameters and has 5 imaging detectors. This enables for high throughput single cell imaging along with fast single cell sorting both in plate and tube mode. Sorter is located within a safety cabinet enabling the usage of BSL1 and BSL2 samples.
78 parameters, 5 Lasers: 355, 405, 488, 561 and 633
- KI users: 500 SEK/hr for assisted and non-assisted
- Other academic institutions: 1,090 SEK/hr
- Commercial users: 2,070 SEK/hr

BD FACS Aria Fusion
BSL2 BD FACS Aria fusion is equipped with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm) detecting 20 parameters. Cells can be sorted out both in tube and plate mode like 96-well, 384-well plates along with 60 and 72-well terasaki plates, eppendorf, FACS, PCR and 15ml falcon tubes. Aria fusion is located within a safety cabinet enabling the usage of BSL1 and BSL2 samples.
19 parameters, 5 Lasers: 355, 405, 488, 561 and 633
- KI users: 390 SEK/hr for assisted and non-assisted
- Other academic institutions: 980 SEK/hr
- Commercial users: 1,960 SEK/hr
Last revision: 1 January 2024.
Configurations FACS Aria Fusion and Discover S8

BD Symphony A5
This high parameter cell analyzer is equipped with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 637 nm) which can detect 30 parameters. Cells can be analyzed both in tube and plate mode.
30 parameters, 5 Lasers: 355, 405, 488,561 and 637 nm
- KI users: 335 SEK/hr
- Other academic institutions: 520 SEK/hr
- Commercial users: 1,040 SEK/hr

BD LSRFortessa
LSRFortessa from BD is equipped with 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561 and 637 nm) and can detect 20 parameters. Cells can be analyzed both in tube and plate mode.
20 parameters, 4 Lasers: 355, 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm
- KI users: 300 SEK/hr for assisted and non-assisted
- Other academic institutions: 480 SEK/hr
- Commercial users: 960 SEK/hr

CytoFLEX S (Beckman Coulter)
This user-friendly BC CytoFLEX S is equipped with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561 and 638 nm) and can detect 13 parameters. Here also, cells can be analyzed both in tube and plate mode.
13 parameters, 4 Lasers: 405, 488, 561 and 638 nm
- KI users: 280 SEK/hr
- Other academic institutions: 450 SEK/hr
- Commercial users: 900 SEK/hr
Last revision: 1 January 2024.