Yingkun (Justin) Wen
Affiliated to Research
E-mail: yingkun.wen@ki.se
Visiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Dalman Åhlén, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
Currently I am a junior health economist with a focus on child health and mental health mainly at Uppsala university. I am affiliating to KI as we are working on a joint project on parents with anxiety disorder and I am focusing on health economics evaluation of the intervention.
Before I landed in Uppsala Univerisity and here, I finished my bachelor in publich health and master in health economics. My research interests span various intersecting fields, including health literacy, WASH, non-pharmaceutical interventions, and implementation science. I am also passionate about promoting sustainability and have a keen interest in nature.
Opportunities to connect and collaborate are always welcome.
- Journal article: JMIR HUMAN FACTORS. 2024;11:e43943