Sofia Vikström

Sofia Vikström

Senior Lecturer
Telephone: +46852483802
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Arbetsterapi, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Sofia Vikström
    Senior Lecturer, Deputy Departmental Educational coordinator at NVS
    +46-(0)76-949 76 57
    Organisational connections:
    • H1 NVS
    -------- *Clinical background* -----------------------------------------------
    I previously worked as an Reg. Occupational therapist at the Psychiatric
    clinic (1990-91) as well as the Neurological clinic (1991-2007) at the
    /Karolinska University Hospital/. Prior to that I had a position as an
    educated combined healthcare-/mental healthcare education assitive nurse at
    S:t Erik Nursing Home 1987- 1991 (i.e. also part-time during my OT
    -------- *Scholarly experience and assignments* ------------------------------
    I am a senior lecturer at the /Division of Occupational Therapy/, which
    means teaching at the basic and advanced levels as well as research.
    Currently, I am the Deputy Head of Education at the Department of
    Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society.
    I have had many assignments at KI, for example as a doctoral-student
    representative in the /Research and Education Committee and the /Strategic
    council of the Division of OT, Program Director of the Occupational Therapy
    Program (2010-2018). Chairman of the Program for Occupational Therapy
    Program, Vice Chairman of Programme Board nr 3 (responsible for the
    Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist Programme), and Vice Chairman of
    the /Education Board NVS/, Teacher Representative in the /Education Board of
    Laboratory of Medicine/ at Karolinska Institutet and the /Board of
    Education's International Committee/.
    I have assignments as course coordinator, supervisor and examiner on the
    basic- , advanced- and doctoral student level, nationally and
    From October 2006 I was elected board member (2 years) and president (chair)
    (2008-01-25 until 2010-12-31) of the European educational network European
    Network of Occupational Therapy in Higher Education (ENOTHE), whose annual
    conference, with 400 member universities, was arranged with me as leader on
    15-17 October 2010 as one of KI's 200th anniversary conferences).
    Between 2014 and 2020, I have been the assigned leader and coordinator of the
    Occupational Therapy Programme's Nordplus collaboration in the /Nordplus
    network Occupational Therapy in the Nordic and Baltic countries./ In this
    role, I planned and conducted a rotating intensive week of international
    studies for member-university students together with coordinators from
    Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania. The assignment
    has also meant visiting and teaching in the international weeks of member
    universities. The network coordinators have also annually applied for funding
    from the Nordic Council of Ministers for continued mobility for students and
    teachers and for the implementation of the international week. Four of us are
    currently writing a manuscript on the latest two intensive weeks focusing on
    /Social entrepreneurship/.
    2015 Elected member of the Pedagogic Academy of Karolinska Institutet
    2019 Recipient of the work environment and health award at Karolinska
    Institutet [1]
    2020 Recipient of a Teaching Sabbatical grant via the independent
    international body STINT
    *Assortment of publications*
    * *V*ikström, S. Josephsson, S. Stigsdotter-Neely, A. Nygård, L. (2008)
    Engagement in activities: Experiences of persons w. dementia and their
    caregiving spouses. /Dementia/, 7(2), 251-270.
    * *S*tigsdotter-Neely, A. Vikström, S. Josephsson, S. Collaborative memory
    intervention in dementia: Caregiver participation matters. /J. of
    Neurorehabilitation/ 2009; 19 (5), 696-715.
    * *L*arsson, Å. Nyström, C. Vikström, S.* *Walfridsson, T. Söderback, I.
    (1995) Computer-assistive cognitive rehabilitation for adults with
    traumatic brain damage. /OT International/, 2(3):166-89.
    * *V*ikström, S. Borell L, Stigsdotter-Neely A. & Josephsson, S. (2005).
    Caregivers´ self-initiated support towards their spouses with dementia
    when performing an everyday occupation together at home. /OTJR:
    Occupation, Participation and Health /25 (34); 149-159.
    * *V*ikström, S.* *Sandman PO, Stenwall E, Boström AM, Kindblom K, Saarnio
    L, Edvardsson D, Borell L. (2014) A model for implementing guidelines for
    person-centered care in a nursing home setting. /International
    Psychogeriatrics/. DOI 10.1017/S1041610214001598.
    * *V*ikström, S. Bostrom, C. Johannsen A (2016) Pedagogic Leadership in
    Higher Education Using Participatory Action Research Strategies -
    Illustrative Cases from Three Pedagogical Development Contexts.
    /Dentistry/ 6:388. doi: 10.4172/2161-1122.1000388
    * *V*ikström, S. Kamwesiga, J. Mubangizi, A. Guidetti, S. (2017)
    Differences as catalysts for professional learning - Participating in a
    student exchange program between Sweden and Uganda. /Cogent Education /4:
    * *G*rönstedt, H. Vikström, S. Cederholm, , T. Franzen, E. Seiger, Å.
    Wimo, A. Faxén-Irving, G. Boström A-M. (2018) A study protocol of Older
    Person's Exercise and Nutrition Study (OPEN) - A sit-to-stand activity
    combined with oral protein supplement - effects on physical function and
    independence. /BMC Geriatrics, /1:138. doi: 10.1186/s12877-018-0824-1.
    * *V*ikström S, & Johansson K (2019) Professional Pride and staff´s
    experiences of a quality development project: A descriptive qualitative
    study. /J Clin Nurs. /2019;00:1–
    * *F*axén-Irving, G., Luiking, Y., Grönstedt, H., Franzén, E., Seiger,
    Å., Vikström, S, Wimo, A., Boström, A-M & Cederholm, T. (2020) Do
    malnutrition, sarcopenia and frailty overlap in nursing-home residents?
    /JNHA./ Accepted for publication Jan, 2020.
    * *B*oström, A-M., Grönstedt, H., Vikström, S., Cederholm, T., Franzén,
    E., Luiking Y.C., Seiger, Å., Wimo, A., & Faxén-Irving, G. (2020) Effect
    of sit-to-stand exercises combined with protein-rich oral supplementation
    in older persons: The OPEN Study. In press JAMDA 2020.
    (The credits below are both according to the former Swedish grading where 1
    week of studies equals 1p and the current European system where 1 week of
    studies equals 1, 5 ECTS).
    1993 Medical Health Administration, Stockholm’s University (20p)
    1994 Neuropsychology, Division of Psychology, Uppsala University (10p)
    1994 Basic Research Methodology, Division of Physiotherapy, NOVUM, KI (10p)
    1997 Theories in Occupational Therapy. 0, 5/ ECTS/ Gary Kielhofner Univ of
    Illinois, Chicago/KI.
    2000 Meta-analysis in Qualitative Research, Div. of Nursing, NVS, KI, 5/
    2000 A Phenomenological Psychological method. Division of Psychology,
    Sthlm’s Univ, 7, 5/ ECTS/
    2001 Classics in Occupational Therapy, Division of Occupational Therapy, NVS,
    KI, 5/ ECTS/
    2002 The Concept of Occupation in Occupational Therapy, Div. of Occ. Therapy,
    KI, 10/ ECTS/
    2004 Aging and Cognition, Aging Research Center, Neurotec. KI , 5 /ECTS/
    2006 Pedagogics for teachers in Higher Education. Department LIME, KI, 7, 5
    2006 Basic course in Medical statistics, Department LIME, Karolinska
    Institutet, 3/ ECTS/
    2007 Peer learning, Department LIME, Karolinska Institutet, 7, 5 /ECTS/
    2008 Strategic thinking & writing in a European context, ENOTHE course. 3
    2008 Course in Feedback, Department LIME, Karolinska Institutet, 7, 5 /ECTS/,
    2008 Evaluation of Social & Interaction skills. Umeå univ/Hvidovre Sykehus,
    Denmark 3 days
    2008 Workshop Participatory and Appreciative Action research. 2 days. NVS,
    2008 Pedagogics 1: Aspects of Working life, Learning & Health. Örebro
    university, 7, 5 /ECTS/
    2009 Distance teaching & learning course. Karolinska Institutet, 7, 5 /ECTS/.
    2011 Pedagogic leadership 1, Karolinska Institutet, Department LIME. 7, 5
    2013 Pedagogic leadership II, Karolinska Institutet, Department LIME. 7, 5
    2014 Introductory Doctoral Supervision course, Department of Medicine, KI
    (1, 5 ECTS)
    2015 Flipping teaching and learning, The Centre of Learning and Knowledge
    (CLK), KI (1, 5 ECTS)
    2016-2017 Pedagogic leaders of the future. 10 ECTS, KI.


  • I am a member of the /APEL/ research group at the Division of Occupational
    therapy, as well as the interdisciplinary project group /OPEN/ at the
    Division of Nursing as well as Karolinska University Hospital and Stockholm
    Sjukhem. I also have some collaboration with the research group /Future Care/
    at the Division for Occupational Therapy.
    My research is oriented towards participatory action- or Design thinking-
    oriented improvements to health-care organizations. Primarily in nursing
    homes, but also at geriatric clinics and in educational settings. The
    improvement work commonly address implementation of core principles of care
    such as National guidelines, evidence-based or person centered care. My
    scientific profile is primarily as a qualitative researcher – using
    grounded theory, content analysis, phenomenology as well as narrative
    methods- although within the research groups I am a member, OPEN and APEL the
    research is also quantitatively oriented.
    Research projects which I am or have been a member:
    /Storytelling as tools for collective person-centrered care for frail
    elderly /(PI: Staffan Josephsson)
    /Older persons Exercise and Nutrition Study - OPEN /(PI: Anne-Marie
    /Supporting students in higher education to learn to translate knowledge for
    use in geriatric care/ (PI: Staffan Josephsson)
    /Dementia@home – DeHem /(PI: Lena Borell)
    /KISAM – Sturebyprojektet /(PI: Lena Borell, PO Sandman, David Edvardsson)
    /Brainpower /(PI: Bengt Winblad)
    /PhD project: A collaborative intervention programme on memory performance
    and everyday activities for persons with dementia and their spouses /(PIs
    Anna Stigsdotter- Neely & Staffan Josephsson)


  • I teach at undergraduate, advanced and postgraduate level at KI as well as
    through the university consortium Openlab. I am interested in the novice's
    path to clinical wisdom, interprofessional learning in clinical everyday
    life, and student-led, collaborative and reverse learning activities in
    campus and digital education arenas. The students and teachers study and
    work environment also lies close to my heart.


All other publications


  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2011-

Degrees and Education

  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2008

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