Sebastian Lewandowski

Sebastian Lewandowski

Senior Research Specialist
Visiting address: CMM, Visionsgatan 18, 5 tr, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Harris Lewandowski, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • 2018 - ongoing - Team Leader at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Center for Molecular Medicine
    2008 - 2018 - Postdoc. Ulf Eriksson group, Karolinska Institutet
    2005 - PhD degree. Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland
    1997 - MSc degree. University of Gdansk, Poland


  • Our team studies cellular mechanisms of cerebrovascular injury mechanisms in ALS neurodegeneration to find novel clinical biomarkers and therapeutic solutions.

    Publication highlight:
    Månberg A. et al. Nature Medicine, April 2021
    "Altered perivascular fibroblast activity precedes ALS disease onset".

    Nature Medicine News and Views, April 2021
    "Is presymptomatic ALS perivascular?"

    Karolinska Institute Press release.
    "New type of cell contributes to increased understanding of ALS"

    Our web resource for cell-specific gene expression in ALS:

    We look at how blood vessel dysfunction and vascular remodelling lead to
    increased severity of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and FTD using
    bioinformatics, in-vivo rodent models and clinical samples. We collaborate
    with the leading neurology centres in Europe and US including UZ Leuven in
    Belgium, Univ. Utrecht in Holland, Ulm Univ. in Germany and UCSD in San
    Diego. Our results lead to novel off-label drug applications to therapy and
    biomarkers in neurodegeneration including ALS, stroke and multiple sclerosis.

    We offer Master student, PhD and Postdoc positions to highly motivated and 
    enthusiastic researchers. For details, send an email to


  • 2020 - ongoing - PhD course director "The Vascular Brain"  
    2008 - ongoing - Lecturer and group discussion leader in the Biomedicine program
    2018 - ongoing - MSc student supervision 


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