Sara Widén
About me
Licensed Psychologist and Lecturer in the Physiotherapy and Psychology programmes. As a psychologist with extensive clinical experience, I am interested in the parallels between pedagogy and therapy, and I am passionate about questions such as how we can best design courses to stimulate students' curiosity and continued learning.
I am engaged in issues related to behavior change and sustainability and am currently working on a project to promote teaching about climate and sustainable development in KI's undergraduate programs.
I was the keynote speaker at the national conference for psychology students, PS23, with the title "Why should psychologists engage in climate and sustainability - isn't that someone else's job?"
- I have repeatedly received the Physiotherapy students' award, Evidensblomman, for best teaching in theoretical subjects.
- In 2022, I received the EINAR Award from the Department of Clinical Neuropsychology (CNS) for teaching efforts in sustainable development.
- In 2023, I received KI's Sustainability Award together with Hanna Karlsson for work on integrating sustainable development into education at Karolinska Institutet.
Teaching for Sustainable Healthcare - How can we integrate environmental and sustainability issues into professional education?
Leading the project "Ground for Change - University teachers' perceptions of sustainability integration in professional education" with funding from Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Action, where we investigate teachers' perceived conditions for the task of integrating education for sustainable development into their regular teaching. The results from these studies will then form the basis for the design and evaluation of teacher support at Karolinska Institutet, starting in the fall of 2025.
Course Coordinator for two courses in the Physiotherapy programme:
- Theme Intervention - Psychology in the second semester
- Theme Health and Healthcare - Health Promotion and Global Health in the fifth semester
In the Psychology programme:
- Course coordinator for the elective course Health Behaviors in a Sustainable World in the sixth semester
- Manual coordinator for the course Self-awareness and Clinical Skills in the seventh semester
- Additional teaching in conversational methodology in the fourth semester
- Teaching on behavior therapy, behavior change and sustainable development in the first, third and fourth semesters
Course coordinator for an independent course in the Department of Psychology:
- Introduction to Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability and Health
As well as various individual teaching contributions in other programs and courses.
- Article: BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY. 2021;136:103767
- Article: BEHAVIOR THERAPY. 2012;43(1):160-173