Pavankumar Asalapuram
About me
I am focused on developing innovative, simple-to-use diagnostic methods and tools for infectious diseases, especially for detecting and preventing nosocomial (hospital-acquired) and drug-resistant zoonotic community-spread infections. With a PhD in Technology and a background in Pharmacy as well as biotechnology, I have published 15 peer-reviewed scientific articles, hold four patent families, and delivered over 40 conference/oral presentations. My research interests span point-of-care molecular diagnostics targeting antibiotic resistance and biofilms, lateral flow biosensors, alongside learning and developing AI-driven strategies within life sciences and global public health.
Driven by a passion for applying fundamental knowledge to create impactful solutions, I transitioned into entrepreneurship. I successfully secured approximately EUR 19 million in investment and grants, established ISO 13485-certified production facilities, and led large teams. I have led teams in multi-country clinical evaluations of in vitro molecular diagnostic (IVD) test kits for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), successfully completing these studies. These efforts have led to the commercialization and market introduction of diagnostic platforms, test kits, and other products. I am proud that a start-up I co-founded became the first-ever company to receive both EIC and BMGF grants.
Throughout my journey, I have coordinated or played key roles in multi-country projects funded by the European Innovation Council (H2020 SME1, EIC-Accelerator, INNOVA4TB, COST, MSCA4Ukraine), the Indo-Swedish initiative (Vinnova, DBT, SAMRIDH, CATALYST), and the USA (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). I remain focused on advancing healthcare innovations and building a strong network of collaborations to improve global healthcare systems and quality of life, supporting the One Health initiative to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Antibiotic resistant microbes and biofilms, Molecular diagnostics, Antigen-antibody based lateral flow and ELISA assays, Global public health.
Supervised around 20 Bachelors and Masters thesis students/projects.
Conducted laboratory practical classess for Bachelor and Masters degree students.
- Article: ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA. 2018;1025:118-123
- Journal article: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2016;88(8):4277-4284
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2015;90(8):1521-1526
- Journal article: CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER. 2015;43(3):456-461
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2014;63(Pt 12):1595-1607
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS. 2014;32(3):406-415
- Journal article: RSC ADVANCES. 2014;4(14):7136-7141
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS. 2013;31(10):1182-1190
- Journal article: BIOTECHNIQUES. 2012;52(3):167-172
- Journal article: ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. 2012;38(1):119-124
- Journal article: JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS. 2009;62(7):377-384
- Article: FRONTIERS IN TUBERCULOSIS.Novel diagnostic test for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its resistance to Rifampicin, Isoniazid, and Fluoroquinolones directly in sputum samples
All other publications
- Patent: 2025Portable and adaptive modular sterilization and lubrication system and applications
- Patent: 2025One-Step Intercepting polymerase chain reaction (IntPCR) for simultaneous detection of wildtypes and selective point mutations and applications thereof
- Patent: 2025Analytical, clinical and interdisciplinary applications utilizing Shigella flexneri apyrase
- Patent: 2024Novel coating and immobilization buffer for antigens and antibodies and uses thereof
- Patent: 2022Modified Shigella apyrase and uses thereof
- Patent: 2017Diagnostic device and related method
- Patent: 2016Analytical and diagnostic methods utilizing Shigella flexneri apyrase
- Patent: 2009A method to detect the microbial resistance to antibiotics using fluorescence
- Review: FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2008;46(2):125-145The Need and New Tools for Surveillance of Escherichia coli Pathogens
- Report: 2005;:26Characterization of diarrhoeagenic E. coli (EPEC and EHEC) from incidences of infantile diarrhoea
- Exploring mlfoDx MDR-TB diagnostic platform in Africa and Latin American marketsBusiness Sweden1 November 2023
- Rapid Affordable Reliable-ELISA (RAR-ELISA) platform for the diagnosis of important helminthic infectionsDepartment of Biotechnology , Ministry of Science and Technology1 June 2023 - 31 December 2024
- Multiplex Diagnostic Platform for Accurate and Rapid Detection of MDR & pre-XDR-TBIPE Global1 January 2023
- Adaptable multi-flow diagnostics for multidrug-resistant TB using tongue swabsBill and Melinda Gates Foundation1 November 2022
- AdvanceTB: Towards an improvement in diagnostics and treatment strategies for tuberculosis control1 September 2022 - 30 September 2026
- mfloDx: An Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant InfectionEuropean Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation1 January 2020 - 30 June 2024
- mfloDx: An Adaptable Multiflow Diagnostic Platform to Genetically Identify Drug Resistant InfectionEuropean Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation1 October 2019 - 29 February 2020
- RCA-ADT diagnostic platform for the rapid detection of enteric pathogensEPSRC grant1 January 2016 - 31 December 2017
- A multiplex diagnostic test for multi-drug/extensively drug-resistant tuberculosisVINNOVA1 November 2013 - 30 September 2016
- Integrated fluidic-array-microsystem for rapid screening of extended spectrum β-lactamases and multidrug resistant pathogens.KTH - Life Science Platform
- Real-time wireless biosensor networks for the surveillance of microbes and pollutants in drinking water supply linesKTK Life Science Technology Platform
- INNOVA4TB: Innovative development to enable individualised tuberculosis treatmentEuropean Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-
- CEO, Mitti Lifetek AB, 2019-2024
- Founder & CEO, EMPE Diagnostics AB, 2016-2024
- Postdoctor, Stockholm University, 2013-2016
- Researcher, Biothema AB & KTH, 2012-2013
- Postdoctor, Molecular Diagnostics, Royal Institute of Technology, 2010-2011
Degrees and Education
- PhD, Clinical Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, 2010
- M.S. (res), Clinical Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai, 2006
- EPGD in Hospital & Health Care Management, Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA), 2002
- B. Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Dr MGR Medical University, 2001