Nikolaos Volakakis

Nikolaos Volakakis

Visiting address: ,
Postal address: GVS Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd, GVS FER Compliance & Data Office, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Background

    I have 15 years’ experience as a biomedical researcher at Karolinska
    Institutet and 1 years’ experience from the industry as an application
    specialist in molecular diagnostics.


    In my current role:


    •I assist KI's researchers with advice and support regarding research documentation and management (collection, storage, analyses, sharing & archiving) of research data.

    • I review data management plans for externally financed projects.

    •I provide support and guidance regarding personal data handling and GDPR compliance.

    •I help the KI lawyers with the review and resolution of cases where personal data are transferred between the parties. I assess the cases from a compliance perspective (ethics, existing contracts), I assess the responsibilities of the parties regarding personal data (data processor - independent data controller - joint controllers) and provide relevant agreement templates. 

    • I receive, document, handle, escalate & monitor inquiries & complaints on KIs system for electronic research documentation ELN (Electronic Notebook) and participate in ELN's management activities (upgrades/maintenance).

    • I carry out data management training initiatives and ELN workshops at KI's departments in connection with centrally arranged courses or web courses

    •I create and update webpages on research data management and documentation ( and

    • I contribute to the development and improvement of processes and control documents in collaboration with the university administration, the university library, the IT department and the archive

    Ph.D. in Medical Science, Karolinska Institutet, 2010
    B.Sc. in Biology, Aristoteles University, 1997